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kayakyakr t1_iui3kc1 wrote

I think people are reacting to a misunderstanding of your post title. "share income with their employees" can easily be interpreted as you wanting all businesses to be required to implement some form of profit sharing.

What you really want, and I agree that this could be of benefit, is a sunshine law for private businesses that requires they publish their cashflow year-over-year. I don't think that's that controversial of a proposal, and allows employees to negotiate from a position of strength.

It would require more paperwork on the part of businesses, which could be especially onerous to small businesses (say, under 5-10 employees) or even, if it's not carefully worded, to sole proprietorships who would have to effectively publish quarterly reports. But that can be worked around and what is required to be reported and published can be adjusted on a sliding scale of gross income/employee count.

I'd say work on how you're presenting this and then get in touch with your local legislator and you might be able to get something done. Or not. Politics is a grind.


RunnyDischarge t1_iui7nnv wrote

>What you really want, and I agree that this could be of benefit, is a sunshine law for private businesses that requires they publish their cashflow year-over-year.

No, they want money from the company.


laxmolnar OP t1_iuimx1n wrote

Dude, you've made like so many comments.


Read my post, I never once demand a profit share. I do think one might come as a result, but all I want is transparency.


If someone feels agitated that their employees see how much they've been profiteering off their labor. Odds are, they're taking advantage of them.


RunnyDischarge t1_iuja0qh wrote

I'll explain it to you - 'Businesses should be required to share their income with employees" can be read in more than one way.


kayakyakr t1_iui9psc wrote

OP states that workers deserve to know how much businesses make. Yes, they want more money, but they are not asking for mandatory profit share as most here suggest.


laxmolnar OP t1_iuind3u wrote

Not sure why you're getting downvoted, but yes yes!


I just want people to know if their labor is making XYZ and they get to do with that as they wish, but the transparency would be a good norm for our capitalistic society.


laxmolnar OP t1_iuim6ve wrote

I appreciate you actually reading before brandishing a pitch-fork haha.


Yes, the entirety of what I said was for transparency. I have reiterated this many times in the comments, but it seems one person is upset. Seems like they're logging into 3 different accounts so they can support their misconception.