
laxmolnar OP t1_iujinyn wrote

What if they were raised in poverty?

What if they had one parent who struggled themselves? Never got to be the role model other kids would expect?

Bad shoes so they limp as an adult? Makes them look weird w their gait.

Bad teeth so other scoff at them? They couldnt afford a dentist as a kid, but they shoulda!! Haha f them, right?

What if they grew up w lead paint, influencing their decision making? Making it hard in some intense moments?

What if they constantly saw violence and at a young age thought it was cool? Joined in and got a record tattoo’d on them for life?

You judge people you don’t know with true malice, perhaps they are rethinking them. You don’t know and will never understand their lives, but you could be kind enough to never use your life, as the benchmark average, for the lives of others. Its unfair to them.


laxmolnar OP t1_iuirzuk wrote

If my post doesn’t make sense. I recommend going back to school as others found it easy to understand.

Transparency allows someone to say “i want a raise” and when many employees say “this is unfair”

We get unions!!!!! Now, how was my thought pointless? Or do you just struggle w thinking?


laxmolnar OP t1_iuimx1n wrote

Dude, you've made like so many comments.


Read my post, I never once demand a profit share. I do think one might come as a result, but all I want is transparency.


If someone feels agitated that their employees see how much they've been profiteering off their labor. Odds are, they're taking advantage of them.


laxmolnar OP t1_iuim6ve wrote

I appreciate you actually reading before brandishing a pitch-fork haha.


Yes, the entirety of what I said was for transparency. I have reiterated this many times in the comments, but it seems one person is upset. Seems like they're logging into 3 different accounts so they can support their misconception.


laxmolnar OP t1_iuilqpc wrote

Define "skilled labor" please. Manning a "PoS" or "Point of Sale System" has about as many variables, if not more than most corporate jobs. Further, you deal w large demographics of people and cashiers would have been fully automated if it was easy/unskilled, forever ago.

On the inverse, most corporate jobs are automated! To the point where 99/100 people push a button, they don't understand. They got a degree w a 2.4 communications GPA though so they must be skilled, right?

If the business with all these "unskilled" workers somehow turns an excellent profit then I don't consider them unskilled. I consider them rather efficient which is the essence of skill.


laxmolnar OP t1_iui26dj wrote

No. I said profit and I meant profit.


A high-volume restaurant can and will pull in a ton + a good accountant annnnd big profits.


You do however, seem to not understand what an "estimation" is - it's not facilitating accuracy, its literally just a frame of reference for the conversation at hand.


Also - y'all quote too much shit that isn't accurate or simply cherrypicked to create the fallacy of accuracy. You need $$$ relative to where corporate McDonald's has mapped out what they think is a good spot for a new franchise. Profits are based on the local area as well and your accounting methods.