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Stop_Already t1_iugeb5k wrote

Who usually owns horses/ponies?

People who can afford to pay a tax on horses and ponies.

That’s why there’s a tax on them.

It’s a luxury tax.


Ds87878 t1_iuhoesq wrote

There’s a lot of other luxury’s that wouldn’t be taxed but should based on your logic.


1234nameuser t1_iuhgtiu wrote

This tax sounds even dumber when you describe it like that.


PettyWitch t1_iuiaeyq wrote

Actually so the pony thing isn't a luxury tax it's a personal property tax. And all of us individuals in CT are supposed to be paying taxes on all of our personal property, from couches to computers, assessed at 70% of market value. So I hope you're paying your taxes.


Stop_Already t1_iuiamtm wrote

You keep replying to me, like I’m the tax collector.

I’m not.


Russian_Rocket23 t1_iuif5y5 wrote

I don't think you are understanding the personal property tax code correctly.


PettyWitch t1_iuigac8 wrote

What am I missing? Check out the Personal Property section here.


maybe_little_pinch t1_iuintgl wrote

You are missing that it is about business related items. You aren't getting taxed for your couch. But if you have a farm stand on your property and you sell vegetables, you should be paying tax on that. It says "business related" and then a list of items. You are reading that sentence wrong.

If you own luxury items like a horse, snowmobile, ATV, etc. those are also taxed.

If your ponies were used as work animals they would be exempt. The fact that you occasionally use them as work animals does not count. It would like me trying to write off my truck as a work vehicle because I occasionally haul stuff.


PettyWitch t1_iuio4zg wrote

Ah you’re right I think. But then why are things like expensive jewelry or plasma TVs not taxed yearly as luxury personal property?


maybe_little_pinch t1_iujb2fa wrote

I think because snowmobiles and horses are considered assets. They are part of your net worth.


[deleted] OP t1_iuhmsg1 wrote



Russian_Rocket23 t1_iuieb1p wrote

You can't believe people upvoted the correct answer? Have you seriously never heard of a luxury tax?


Ds87878 t1_iuhoh6j wrote

People are mad they don’t have disposable income.


IndicationOver t1_iuhpp77 wrote

If you own horses thats a step above just disposable income.

How many people have country club membership?


Ds87878 t1_iuhwawa wrote

Those are wildly different. CC membership is way more expensive. My horses eat my grass. I grow my own hay. They don’t eat grain. My cost to keep them minus vet bills annually is practically 0


PettyWitch t1_iuhq51s wrote

So what if you had to pay yearly tax for having a mobile phone and computer? Would you be into that?


Stop_Already t1_iui2w41 wrote

Do you pay a yearly tax on your car?

Yes, yes you do.


PettyWitch t1_iui75pu wrote

Yeah but my car uses the roads which require maintenance. My ponies just sit on my property with no contact with the outside world. I also have a septic system and well water, so it's not even like they could say this is causing excess sewage somehow.


PettyWitch t1_iuhrimr wrote

A luxury tax is taken once: when you purchase the luxury. A tax on horses is taken yearly. You don’t see the difference?


Goingone t1_iug8lif wrote

They do tax us based on the number of toilets we have. How do you think they do property tax assessments?


1234nameuser t1_iuhh110 wrote

Actually, due to economies of scale, the more toilets you own the lower your effective tax is per toilet.


Plants_Golf_Cooking t1_iugb22n wrote

Unnecessary luxury items get taxed, and I would imagine this includes unnecessary luxuries like animals. I pay to register my dog. Horses and ponies require land that is unproductive for any other purpose, and unless you are doing pre-industrial style farming then I imagine you are not using them as draft animals.


Ds87878 t1_iuhon2n wrote

You’d be wrong then. On both accounts. Great work. In fact. Pastureland can be tax exempt by deeming it open space. I pull logs with my horses and work my cattle around with them. They are farm equipment.


Plants_Golf_Cooking t1_iuht591 wrote

And though that is great for you, I have my doubts OP is using her ponies as draft animals. But I’m open to the possibility of being wrong. And I’m sorry, are we talking about tax-exempt pasture land or the ponies on that land, because I could have sworn we were talking about animals, not land. Again though, open to being wrong. Great work on your response though.


PettyWitch t1_iui80kg wrote

The good news is we should all be paying annual taxes on much of our personal property, and that includes furniture and computers. Here is the form for the town of Killingly:


Plants_Golf_Cooking t1_iui8s9o wrote

I could very much be mistaken, but that seems related to business matters, as in the property of a business, for this purpose to include furniture. Again, I could be misinterpreting the form, however if not that does seem like extra senseless scraping by the state.


PettyWitch t1_iui98fr wrote

Nope, it is also property on your personal residence. Unaffixed property. So you might want to get this sorted out with your town, you know, do your part.

"In Connecticut, personal property taxes are paid by individuals and companies that have property that is not permanently affixed to or part of real estate.


PettyWitch t1_iuhpr8g wrote

I actually pull logs with my ponies too. I have a sheep farm.


Plants_Golf_Cooking t1_iuhua2j wrote

That is what I’m looking for. Firstly, I congratulate you on using them as proper draft animals. Still, to your original question though; the god’s honest truth is I can’t see a reason why they wouldn’t be taxed. Government needs to raise money, so things get taxed; property of all kind including horses. Frankly, it makes more sense to me for a government to raise money taxing a horse than someone’s labour, but that is just me. However, it seems that one’s used exclusively for labour/farming are exempted from that tax, at least according to this link I found:,assess%20horses%20for%20property%20taxes.&text=Connecticut%20law%20treats%20horses%20as,of%20their%20fair%20market%20value.

So if they are not used exclusively or even primarily for farming then I can certainly see how they constitute more as a “luxury”.


wholepailofwater t1_iuhlp6y wrote

And yet we have so many people living here that there is a housing shortage. No one is forcing anyone to stay. Pennsyltuckyhomasippi awaits. They don't even pay a fair share of Federal taxes. Society is more than a collection of individuals. Humans are still trying to figure it out, but everyone must contribute. Don't like the tax structure? Come up with a solution. Complaining solves nothing.


Swimming_Area6016 t1_iugx7uo wrote

Wow CT really does tax everything doesn’t it?


Justinontheinternet t1_iugy1tz wrote

Yeah dogs cats lmao it’s insane you even have to register them with your town and pay a fee


Form684 t1_iuhrr9n wrote

Does anyone actually do this? I don’t know anyone who registers their dogs with the town.


maggie_truffles t1_iuhhtib wrote

I often joke that CT will eventually tax you on how many houseplants you have. I at one time said we would be taxes because we breath the air… but now they’ve added a “clean air tax” to our registration so they kinda have done that…. We are basically taxed on how many dogs you have too… it’s the “license fee”. It’s hard to come up with anything you aren’t taxed on.


Athrynne t1_iui0yxc wrote

I dunno, I have to pay a license fee to the city each year for my dog, why not a horse?


PTunia t1_iuhxvhu wrote

.....The toilet paper is next. WAIT. It already is taxed in CT.

Joking aside, I have a question regarding buying EVs. I understand that there is a luxury tax in CT on vehicles over 50K. How will people take to that?


Athrynne t1_iui4gw8 wrote

In a more serious note, I looked it up, and this is what CT says about horses:

>Connecticut law treats horses as personal property, requiring municipalities to assess them at 70% of their fair market value. But it exempts those used exclusively for farming from the tax and exempts the first $1,000 of assessed value for horses used for other purposes

So, if a horse is an actual working animal, it's exempt or discounted. If it isn't, it's taxed. Makes sense to me, my family owned ponies when I was growing up, and the only reason they were affordable was because we had property they could live on for free. My aunt does dressage, and it is not cheap, it's absolutely a luxury hobby.

Edit: mobile formating fail


mynameisnotshamus t1_iuihgl9 wrote

Quick google says miniature horse cost on average around $1000.


Athrynne t1_iuihzg3 wrote

Yeah, but you gotta feed them, board them, and pay for vet bills. All of that is more expensive (especially the boarding, unless you have land) than your average dog or cat.


mynameisnotshamus t1_iuiivib wrote

Of course. I was referring to the comment on taxes being on value over $1000. The tax therefore should be minimal.


Plants_Golf_Cooking t1_iui96zu wrote

When I was a little girl in Poland, we all had ponies. My sister had pony, my cousin had pony. So, what’s wrong with that? He was a beautiful pony. And I loved him!


Justinontheinternet t1_iugxz9b wrote

CT tax you to death and double tax on what you already paid taxes on state.

It’s literally why we have to pay car taxes every year. Can’t wait to move to a tax free state.


PhilipLiptonSchrute t1_iuhnj7s wrote

> Can’t wait to move to a tax free state.


I consider it the necessary premium, one that I'm happy to pay, to live in a place that isn't Louisiana, Kentucky, or Alabama.


hbomb100 t1_iuhjtbx wrote

Hurry before that enact a leaving Connecticut tax


mynameisnotshamus t1_iuihpdv wrote

What state is tax free? They may not tax you for your vehicle yearly but they’re getting money from you one way or another. Also, chances are that magical state not taxing you has many shortcomings due to that decreased revenue.


buried_lede t1_iugedqr wrote

Doesn’t it come from race horses? I know they tax racehorses, so, your Shetland ponies get it too. Just in case you race them, lol.

For what it’s worth, it sounds like a dumb tax. It’s like taxing my dog or cat


no-name-is-free t1_iugqt1y wrote

My parking space is taxed, to my condo... which i pay property tax on, and bought as a single thing that oncluded a parking space. so I have no doubt that anything that cam be will be someday.

How much for your dog license? Cat license or anything else.... Makes no sense


blaze1234 t1_iuh2xza wrote

There need not be any "user pays" aspect that is neoliberal BS.

the state needs revenue, that is the justification

Now if horses could help people get away from using cars...


CTisCool t1_iugbfaq wrote

Reason being if we make x- non necessity more expensive with taxes less people will own it. If only rich people own horses the lesser chance is that they will need to use public services for it.

People owning dogs and cats or actually any other animal should be required to commit to taxation. Majority of cat or dog owners are unable to pay $100 extra for vaccinations or vet visit. Vets often have to euthanize animals because owners leave them at the clinic and cannot pay even for a simple $200-$400 procedure. I’m so grateful that before going to vet school my parents had me volunteer at the vets office, this explains high suicide rates among veterinary staff.


Ds87878 t1_iuhovi0 wrote

Checked your search history.. what is “how to lick boots properly” mean?


ThePermafrost t1_iugwyh9 wrote

My dog was hit by a car and it was an $8,000 out of pocket medical bill. While we were in the ER room with him we saw another family come in with a very pregnant Chihuahua. From what we overheard the mother couldn’t give a natural birth and needed a C section, which the family wasn’t willing/couldn’t pay for. They ended up taking the dog away without treatment. I cringe to think what the family ended up doing… cutting up their own dog to save the puppies or letting the mother and puppies both die.
