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t1_iu598xt wrote

If you knew what Maslow’s is you’d know it’s not something psychologists rely on 100% because it isn’t accurate enough to help address people’s needs.

I actually do research on addressing this issue with Maslow’s.

Also there’s a cultural disconnection between fulfilling needs and actualizing to experience transcendence. Such disconnects manifest in you belief that people are actualizing under the circumstances described in the other comment.

EDIT) You’re also describing actualization from a materialistic perspective——extrinsic motivations. Which isn’t accurate for all people. This is why I’m saying it’s board room talk. Executives often see people in this light. It’s a cultural projection symptomatic of a disconnect with humanity’s complex motivational nature. It’s short sighted.


t1_iu5f573 wrote

People complain about taxes and utility rates all the time in our subreddit yet people in this very subreddit are acting like this article is total bullshit?


t1_iu5fblh wrote

I literally defined maslow's and "if you knew what it is" .. I know exactly what it is, and I described exactly what it is. It's a tool to judge how different needs are met and how they relate to an individual's personal situation. EG: A marketing tool based on psychological impact. I wonder what I do. You yourself also said in your "response" that "they don't use it 100%". But, it's used. Why? Becuase it's a holistic picture and a component of the whole picture. Who said it's the whole thing? Not me, but you. Why? In your head - I'm some narrow-minded non thinking person who you feel you are superior to. Who you feel you have more knowledge than - and you have this need to prove to me that you know more than I do. Do you? Maybe. I don't know. But do you honestly think that a single post on a public forum is the full extent of my knoweldge? What type of arrogancy is that to approach another person with that type of thinking?


Money doesn't make you happy but it's easier to be happy with money.

I have a feeling that the people in our state who struggle to find affordable housing, struggle to pay their eversource bills, get screwed by comcast, get screwed by high food costs, worry about how their kids will survive ... etc etc etc etc - will really give one flying shit about your transcendent medetation bullshit that is "self actualization" in your books.

Reality is simple. In your academic mind, you're making it far more complicated than it actually is.

Are you a sociologist or related somehow to sociology? Because you're ... really out of touch with reality - and it screams pseudoscience.

Just like psychology .. where "talk" helps "heal". An entire "profession" that could be replaced completely with parents or friends. Pseudoscience.


t1_iu5g1kv wrote

You can’t tout your support of Maslow’s and then turn your back on it at the same time expecting to win with your assertion just because it’s not working out for you when you need it to.

Completed Maslow’s includes transcendence. My work doesn’t support the transcendence in his style. Which is what you said. The meditative stuff. My work is practical and more focused on the bill paying to survive perspective.

Happy to share more. Just let me know.