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OP t1_iy7vs1v wrote

Of all the people to target Sikhs are probably the nicest group you can find. All throughout the pandemic I heard wonderful things that the Sikh community was doing to help people, many of which not in their community. I hate racists. 🤬


t1_iy82rhm wrote

Came here to say this. Sikhism is one of the most peaceful and selfless religions.


t1_iy83sa6 wrote

I think that Sikh's are the one group that is still generally good, rather than just having pockets of good.

It's refreshing, and this type of harassment is tragic.


t1_iyabdqp wrote

Same here. Every single Sikh person I have ever met has been an all around exemplary human being. So disgusting that someone would pull this kind of BS.

Also should name and shame the business that ran that bs ad on the truck. That's gross.


t1_iy8548a wrote

One thing to note about Norwich is that the Sikh community is fairly visible there. They'll buy ads at the bus stops for holidays and to thank or recognize people/politicians who have supported the community. There's no evangelizing on the ads either, not even a mention of temple locations or services.

Without fail, those ads get defaced. It's sad to see something that harmless get targeted at every opportunity.


t1_iy8dghv wrote

I’ve thought about converting to Sikhism and didn’t know there was a community this close to me. Really sad that this is the treatment they get.


t1_iyav3e3 wrote

Do you live in Norwich ?


t1_iyaviaq wrote

For a decade. We moved out of state a couple weeks ago.


t1_iyaxkbn wrote

I do live in Norwich. I’m planning on selling my home & leaving the state. I never heard of this truck.


t1_iyaxmac wrote

That’s why I asked. A lot of CT liberals are moving to Florida & Georgia.


t1_iyay92r wrote

We moved to NY state. My wife got a new job and I go where she goes. We're enjoying it so far, but the snows haven't started here yet.


t1_iy813m2 wrote

> “The intention was to target Sikhs and people who wear head gear,” said Khalsa. “After 9/11, we all know, terrorists attacked America. But how it was done through the media. They never said that Sikhs are not those people or that the Muslim community is not a bad community.”

Worth noting US media is no less guilty today of this kind of scare mongering.


t1_iy8k1ze wrote

> “The intention was to target Sikhs and people who wear head gear,”

I'd be more afraid of the red MAGA headgear.


t1_iy8aurm wrote

Agreed. Most intolerant/racist people see headgear and think 'towel head terrorist'. Sikhs are so far away from that it's not even funny.

For example- it's a requirement of their religion that they carry a dagger called a Kirpan, which is to be used to come to the aid of any innocent person in distress.

To call the Sikhs in America 'Khalistani terrorists' is so far off the mark it's not even funny. It's like going to one of those pro-gay all welcoming Christian churches and calling them 'Westboro Baptist terrorists'.


t1_iy8ft67 wrote

I really hope it isn't most people that think that, especially in CT.


t1_iy8n5m8 wrote

You'd think in a better-educated place like CT most people don't think like that.

It only takes one person to hire a billboard like this though. That's both the wonderful and awful thing with democracy- one person who wants to be heard and puts effort into it usually will be.


t1_iy9om3n wrote

Its not most people. I would bet its a good portion though and I'm sure they all have a lot in common, like hate for LGBTQ+ and support for nationalism and laws based on their religion. Sounds like Y'all Qaeda...


t1_iy9o1eu wrote

I doubt most people do. I dont, nor do my friends or family. Perhaps you need to reevaluate the people around you?


t1_iybscnv wrote

I should clarify- I mean most intolerant / racist people. Not most people overall.