
DicmoVolant t1_ja8g7q4 wrote

I miss it terribly, but due to many injuries, my ski bum days are over. Now I kayak/ice fish instead, and I'm much more upset about the lack of lake ice this winter. I work per diem as a snow shoveler and I haven't had to do it yet this year, so that's been nice. This storm will be the wet snow that sucks to shovel.


DicmoVolant t1_ja8fy66 wrote

I grew up close enough to Snowbasin to see the lift towers from my back yard. My buddy and I used to hike up there every Saturday and ski the Strawberry side for free. They didn't check tickets over on that side because you had to ride a lift to get there. Tickets were only about $15 back then, so we would recycle cans and secretly save lunch money to occasionally buy a ticket and ski the rest of the mountain. Easily the most underrated resort out there.


DicmoVolant t1_j6kacvz wrote

Their seafood can be good (always lots of dead mussels and clams not culled though), but they are cutting the same meat that comes from the same packing plants as every other grocery store, and their cutting isn't particularly good in my experience. It's nothing special. They just run a lot of fancy premium steaks at attractive loss-leader pricing to get you in the store, so it makes it look like their meat department is better than it is.

Source: Former meat cutter and fish monger who shops at the Danbury Stew's a lot. I'm never that impressed when I shop their meat department.


DicmoVolant t1_j6k9qmw wrote

Stew Leonard's is a store that lives and dies by it's loss leaders. Go get the loss leader (usually a premium steak cut or something), then buy everything else at the regular grocery store. Their pantry items and everything else that isn't a loss leader is going to cost far more per unit than at the regular grocery store, and there's usually no selection. Every grocery store does this, but Stews does this to the extreme.

Stew's baked goods are legit though and worth going for by themselves.


DicmoVolant t1_j5v4l2t wrote

Shit, in NY I've seen the state troopers fake a roadside breakdown with a shitty old truck, hood up, and the spotter inside. At the next freeway entrance, they a bunch of patrol cars waiting to pull people over. I've also seen them do this with the spotter parked on an overpass, or tucked way back into the trees (with green cars).

Vermont could never afford such shenanigans.