Submitted by t3_z69v8c in Connecticut

In the past week I have been to 4 different stores and all of them have groups of teams / cheerleaders etc out front asking for donations so they can go to Orlando for a competition. They basically block the entrance and the moms worh them are even worse . Who has cash any more ? I saw one old guy who clearly could not afford it put 5 bucks in their bucket. Thoughts on these type of things ? Don’t people just pay their own way ? Why the begging ?



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OP t1_iy05w60 wrote



t1_iy06h55 wrote

To be more clear , the older gentleman is a guy I’ve know since I was younger and know he’s surviving on SS only . I guess I just don’t shop a lot or haven’t seen so many at once . Not hating on anyone particular, I think it’s all bad .


OP t1_iy07321 wrote



t1_iy07aoy wrote

Right . It doesn’t make sense to me either . Thanks


OP t1_iy092eb wrote



t1_iy09hgd wrote

Oh that . I understand it , don’t agree with it the way it’s being done where I was . A bunch of young girls and their moms drinking 6 dollar lattes driving 50k SUV’s asking for strangers to donate so they can go to Disney . Read that again and see if you understand. If that makes sense to you then we can’t be friends .


t1_iy0e0xi wrote

Not everyone on that team is as fortunate as what you are perceiving as wealth. Without those fundraisers, there are plenty of people on those teams who would never be able to afford such experiences.


t1_iy1etha wrote

"I saw an old guy who clearly could not afford" is not equal to an a older guy I know who lives off ss donated. Nice try but busted


t1_iy0ehfj wrote

Maybe some of the people on the team can’t afford to pay their own way so the team is helping them raise money? Just walk around them lol


t1_iy0osfg wrote

Mostly on Sundays by me. They're not obnoxious and I just walk on by. I think it's bs and they should pay their own way. If they have a car wash I'll do that though because they are actually doing something for the money.


t1_iy1exal wrote



t1_iy1sne9 wrote

He didn’t say they had to be topless, TOP LESS! Once you get in the studio you’ll do it.


t1_iy1w4vn wrote

Watching teenagers in bakinis wet and soapy is pervy


t1_iy1wweg wrote

What chore prawblem? Ya nevah happy!


t1_iy20c0e wrote

If you don't want to contribute, don't.


t1_iy26irx wrote

You “saw” a guy and you can tell whether or not he could afford to donate five bucks. Really ?

You came on the Internet to bitch about kids collecting money so that they can travel for a team sport.

Really ?


t1_iy85ysr wrote

At least the Boy Scouts do bottle recycling drives... why should healthy young people need charity to raise money? These girls have no skills to capitalize on?


t1_iy22j5o wrote

Why did it bother you so much? Just ignore them, it’s not that deep I promise you


t1_iy163q3 wrote

internet grifter and beggar culture comes to the real world, everybody wants to socialize their costs onto others and take all the benefits for themselves then claim it's fair or acceptable; like who approves them sitting in front of the store entrance and begging...? but hey I always end up being the bad guy asking off-limits questions.... edit - why can't the parents/school/ngos pool their money for them? is there actually a cheerleading competition in orlando? did they make the cut? or do they just want a trip to orlando on everyone else's dollar? so many questions....


t1_iy3bzk6 wrote

This type of thing existed long before the internet…


t1_iy3glmg wrote

yes but just because it existed before the internet doesn't mean it isn't more pervasive, normalized or sadly more acceptable now; I don't know why certain groups of people simply demanding money to stop inconveniencing strangers is acceptable or complaining about it is frowned upon


t1_iy3yb0z wrote

>why can't the parents/school/ngos pool their money for them

Because people don't approve tax increases to cover.


t1_iy41pvs wrote

many towns have more tax revenue due to higher property valuations and greater property tax receipts despite statutory rates not changing; parents and ngos monies are in dependent of taxes, further towns should have some budget item, earmarked or not, to help fund these things; I'm not against them fundraising for it, there are just so many better options than begging strangers


t1_iycx7bz wrote

Increasing property values doesn’t change town tax revenues at all. The budget is set and the mill rate is then just a division of values by budget. If values are up, the mill rate goes down. In and of itself it doesn’t change the absolute revenue at all.


t1_iy05w9w wrote

I give to the Salvation Army bell ringers, thats about it


t1_iy0f8hr wrote

I'm not gonna criticize you for giving to anybody in need but there are more inclusive charities out there.


t1_iy0fobh wrote

What do you mean? Is salvation army bad? I seriously dont understand


t1_iy0hams wrote

The Salvation Army has a pretty well documented history of denying help to queer people. They've officially changed their stance on the matter but I'm not sure if their course correction has actually been demonstrated by their work


t1_iy0hje5 wrote

Holy crap. I really had no idea.


t1_iy0icrv wrote

Yeah no problem, like i said I'm not criticizing you personally for giving to people in need, that would be absurd and counterproductive. Thank you for feeling compelled to give.


t1_iy0ki4x wrote

Was that just a reasonable and calm discourse on Reddit? I think you both need to leave!


t1_iy0ldam wrote

Your username reminds me of the Lizzie Borden bed and breakfast, which was one of the first touristy things i did when i first moved to ct. It was fuckin weird lol. Memorable though, this was in like 2007.


t1_iy0ummx wrote

Because cheerleading is not considered a sport. If it were a sport the state would run competitions fund it etc. As it currently stands, they win anything local they need to pay their way to Disney for competition.


t1_iy1sqmh wrote

I think OP is wondering the current world seems to look at donation as entitlement.


t1_iy3buwd wrote

If it was a sport they would not need to solicit donations nearly as much. Pretty much those donations are going to the organizing bodys profits when the kids just want to compete.


t1_iy3cbwx wrote

Sad for the kids. I don't understand why it's the shoppers' problem tho. They can ask for money and those that have it will give it to them but cornering people at the entrance of a place they're at to buy food.....which is already way overpriced these days, is a little much, don't you think?


t1_iy542v6 wrote

I'm not excusing bad manners though would say that reflects the state of the sport from the top on down, far to many of those sorts of moms involved. Would rather have my daughter politely asking for donations at a grocery store than the wink wink nudge nudge car washes anyday.


t1_iy5koge wrote

OP isn't saying anything about polite requests for donations. So, I guess we're on the same page. I think it's very wrong when parents let their kids grow up with a feeling of entitlement. In our days, it was over their own money while today's kids are being brought up with a sense of entitlement to others money


t1_iy3yi86 wrote

Um, what? All sports need to fundraise. It's not just cheerleaders out there. Schools almost never pay for travel and such to out of state competitions directly.


But more to the point, what does whether it's a sport or not matter? If it was a band fundraising would it be any different?