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LoveIsLove75 t1_ixyjbt8 wrote

TLDR: Norwalk is a lot friendlier to transplants like myself than Stratford/Shelton.

I was thinking about this after I posted. I came to a realization that in Norwalk there were a lot more "transplants", while in the Stratford/Shelton area there were very little and most people that I met were from the area. I think transplants, like myself, go out and seek to make connections so we can be comfortable in our "home". Meanwhile, people that grew up in the area already have established social groups and aren't particularly open to new people. I don't think it's isolated to Stratford/Shelton. Any town that doesn't have a lot of transplants in it will probably be like this.

Picture going to work and you're used to saying good morning to each other as you walk by. Now picture your co-workers walking by you in the morning like you do not exist and only communicating with you if they need something from you. That's what I mean by "different". I feel like a "ghost" in this area.

I guess I am finally noticing the standoffishness that New Englanders are famous for which I never had to deal with in Norwalk.


GoPikachuGo1 t1_ixzm35o wrote

If people don't like you in Stratford or Shelton, i'm sorry to tell you, but it isn't because you're a transplant.

If you said Darien or New Canaan, maybe.