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Usedtoknowsomeone46 OP t1_ixkrt2j wrote

This might sound harsh but I don't think boomers should be on the road. They grew up in the time of lead gasoline and that's really starting to show as they're aging and getting dementia.


Prestigious_Bobcat29 t1_ixlp5vh wrote

Everyone should have to retake the driving test when they renew their license. Blanket statementing a 20 year spanning generation is dumb, but I agree that there are absolutely plenty of people on the road that shouldn’t be.

The other side of this coin is we need to make society less utterly dependent on the automobile to function, as Im sure someone’s going to (not wrongfully) immediately reply to me freaking out about how they’d be able to hold a job without a car


LizzieBordensPetRock t1_ixlrzeb wrote

I’m not freaking out. I’d love to take mass transit to/from work but I when I did the route on ct transit it was 90+ Minutes each way, my drive is 20-30. We got a Looooooong way to go before we can help people get there.


Prestigious_Bobcat29 t1_ixlt17r wrote

Absolutely agreed. It’s a really tough fight too because there’s a lot of self perpetuation. I work in CT in transportation planning, and for example right now we’re working on a lot of studies for southeastern CT. DOT really wants to spend 4.5B to widen 95. If you suggest that similar resources are invested in transit you’re called some combination of insane, naive, and delusional. “Everybody drives, so that’s where the money goes” as if we don’t get what we build for.

4.5 B could get us an electrified shore line east with much more frequent service and extensions to to both Westerly and Norwich via the casino, plus a massive increase in SEAT and Estuary Transit (the regional bus services) routes and frequencies.

For the same price we can widen 95, the extra capacity of which will be filled by 2040 - “loosening our belt to cure our obesity”


daybeers t1_ixmjnph wrote

SLE was electrified using Metro-North M8s this past May. Still needs improvements, though. Track 6 in New London still isn't wired even though that was on tap to be done this year.


Prestigious_Bobcat29 t1_ixmjuj6 wrote

Yes track 6 is what I was referring too, not the rolling stock, sorry


daybeers t1_ixmk86r wrote

Ya there's still one run each direction on weekdays that's bustituted.

The I-95 expansion is bullshit; I hope residents stand up for that because they already destroyed enough wetlands when it was originally built.

Do you work for the DOT/a COG or in the private sector?


Prestigious_Bobcat29 t1_ixmldj7 wrote

A cog, thankfully not working directly on the 95 study so I’m free to engage with it on a personal level


awebr t1_ixmlv31 wrote

The worst part is, although they're doing some new studies now, an older study from a few years ago regarding 95 from New Haven to the RI line explicity referenced induced demand and how a third lane in each direction would attract more drivers. But then the consultant said that they still recommend adding that lane anyways because it could handle the increased traffic demand. Gotta love traffic engineers!


imangryignoreme t1_ixmglyd wrote

Retaking the driving test is a good idea as long as the implementation doesn’t mean long waiting periods to get an appointment or a bunch of additional fees.

Difficulty scheduling + fees really disproportionately and unfairly impacts lower income people.


Prestigious_Bobcat29 t1_ixmifui wrote

Definitely, though I can only imagine how well “more money for the dmv” will go over politically


waterford1955_2 t1_ixof7zd wrote

>Everyone should have to retake the driving test when they renew their license.

I would venture to guess that 95% of the drivers on the road couldn't pass the drivers test.


AlphaSlayer21 t1_ixl28p8 wrote

Boomers are still fairly young


Usedtoknowsomeone46 OP t1_ixl2eke wrote

Lol no. They're old af and the lead poisoning is making their brains mushy


AlphaSlayer21 t1_ixl3dcw wrote

The youngest baby boomers are 58 years old. You’re telling me a 58 year old shouldn’t be behind the wheel? How old are you?


Usedtoknowsomeone46 OP t1_ixl3keb wrote

You're ignoring the lead poisoning and I'm not sure why.


AlphaSlayer21 t1_ixl3ov8 wrote

Going through your comment history you’re obviously an opinionated douche bag who gets down voted a lot so I’m not even gonna waste my time with you. Enjoy all that plastic in your bloodstream.


Usedtoknowsomeone46 OP t1_ixl3ucz wrote

Lol everyone has that. Only boomers have the lead though since that was stopped for my generation. If you know boomers you know they aren't aging well mentally.


Ornery_Opossum t1_ixlrano wrote

you’re really quite uneducated. just stop running your dumb mouth idiot


Dimako98 t1_ixoyzfu wrote

You're a fucking idiot.

Seems like in your case, the lead was replaced by all the alcohol and cigarettes your mom had when she was pregnant.


pyspark2020 t1_ixkzkcu wrote

If an 80 years old senile can be president why not a 71 year old can drive a car?
