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OpelSmith t1_ivmk67p wrote

If you forgot, the race we should all be watching is the 5th


Bulky-Mark315 t1_ivmwdrm wrote

I was initially going to leave my ballot blank for the US House race because of how poorly Hayes has preformed and how few fucks she's had to give for working class Americans here in her district...

But then the thought of a Republicunt being in office here made my blood boil and I had to swallow my pride and put aside my disdain for the Democratic Party and our backwards voting system and I gave her my vote on the WFP line.

This shit is nerve-wracking, seeing how close this shit is.

It's disgusting how many people are still willing to support a party full of bigots, fascists, and terrorists.

It's a real fucked up situation that I'm sitting here praying that a bitch that I don't like that hasn't done a damn thing for me or my community wins the election simply because I'd like to keep my human rights and a stable government and not have to fear for my safety.


nagemada t1_ivn6ulm wrote

Well cross your fingers that Lamont can get ranked choice voting off the ground in 2023 like he is promising. Then next time you could put someone else first, have her last, and still not vote for the GOP!


Bulky-Mark315 t1_ivn6z8s wrote

>Well cross your fingers that Lamont can get ranked choice voting off the ground in 2023 like he is promising.

I'm not holding my breath!


Wi11Pow3r t1_ivn78kr wrote

What difference does it make if you vote for someone on the WFP line vs the democratic line if it is in-fact the same candidate?


Bulky-Mark315 t1_ivn7smi wrote

You're helping a third party stay on the ballot and keep their recognized third party status.

The WFP does sometimes run their own candidates and it's my hope that should we get ranked choice voting that they would become much more committed to progressive policies, although I don't think they'll ever get my first vote in that scenario considering their record and my desire to support parties with more bold plans for change.


Wi11Pow3r t1_ivn83lv wrote

So if no one used their line to vote for the democratic candidate they would get dropped from the last ballet? I DID think it was odd that they were on the ballet this year with zero of their own unique candidates …


notbad2u t1_ivqmtum wrote

Two words - ranked voting. But the two big parties don't want it because it's very purpose is to let other folks into politics.

The two party system is a binopoly and they don't want to let go


the-crotch t1_ivo4uhu wrote

>It's disgusting how many people are still willing to support a party full of bigots, fascists, and terrorists.

Systemic racism exists, and politicians are the system. All of them. Anyone who has held office is guilty.


Bulky-Mark315 t1_ivo5fyo wrote

That doesn't mean it's acceptable to support a party which literally tried to overthrow the federal government.


the-crotch t1_ivo5o91 wrote

That also doesn't mean I have to support the other major party. The only real difference is the Republicans say the quiet part out loud.


turboda t1_ivo115m wrote

>people are still willing to support a party full of bigots, fascists, and terrorists.

Stop posting false statements.


Shortchange96 t1_ivn1imw wrote

Speaking of a party full of bigots. Did you know the longest serving member of the United States Senate was the Exalted Cyclops (top recruiter) of the KKK? Guess which party he belonged to?


-nocturnist- t1_ivn2d6i wrote

Party politics have changed over the years. The democratic party was the one filled with slavery supporters etc. Back in the day. Again, a lot has changed.


giant_toad42 t1_ivn77c2 wrote

Yeah, the grand cyclops changed. Yo. If Strom Thurmond were a Republican he'd have been a KKK-Fascist Nazi till the day he died, not "changed with the party politics".

Democrats can be racist too. Say it with us. Democrats can be racists too.

Like Democrats who say I can't be successful + I'm disadvantaged because I'm a child of an immigrant + a minority.


SnottyTash t1_ivnch1n wrote

You’d have to be literally retarded to believe the Democratic platform/candidates disadvantages minorities more than the Republican platform/candidates. But go on fighting your culture war…


giant_toad42 t1_ivnp37w wrote

Did I say that or did you assume that?

You are actually retarded if your mind works the way your mind just worked.

Actually, not literally.

Psst, truly stupid people go insulting the intelligence of others - like YOU just did. I didn't start that, you picked up that retarded gauntlet.

Congrats on winning that Stupid Prize, white boy ( or person who doesn't hear what democrats, in fact, are saying .. when they describe minorities as inferior. )

( Word for word describing what democrats do. )

Now read what it means. Of course unless you wish to remain the ignorant person you present as.


SnottyTash t1_ivoisvs wrote

Hahahah did someone just read Kipling in their US History course? That’s cute man, oh and you’re manufacturing a connection between that and the modern Democratic Party? Keep playing historian, you’re doing super


giant_toad42 t1_ivowdlk wrote

Not everyone is a child like you, boy.

Doing the same thing you progresives do. You may grow up eventually. It would be for your own good.

If you're in college, my boots will be the ones you lick someday. Be happy I keep mine clean. Also, People like me can pick up the scent of shit like you quick. We've seen it all.

Tread carefully. 😘


Shortchange96 t1_ivn2k4p wrote

Surely Joe Biden didn’t eulogize the Exalted Cyclops of the KKK at his funeral recently……right?


Pripat99 t1_ivn5wgj wrote

I find it truly disheartening that people like you don't believe that people can change over the course of their life. You're talking about something that Byrd said was the greatest mistake of his life, and that he had renounced any membership in the organization by 1952.

Why you'd want to lock a person's racist beliefs in amber and not allow for the possibility of change I have no idea.


Shortchange96 t1_ivo434u wrote

Is it too much to ask that the leaders of our country don’t have a background as Exalted Cyclops of the KKK? I don’t think so


Pripat99 t1_ivo6wma wrote

Again, you’re talking about a guy who passed away 12 years ago and hadn’t been a member of that organization in 58 years before that. If you think this is relevant to today, then OK.


Shortchange96 t1_ivoblsz wrote

Where do we draw the line? If Hitler survived WWII and denounced his Nazi affiliation, should he be allowed to be a Senator?


Pripat99 t1_ivoe8ev wrote



Shortchange96 t1_ivohehc wrote

But you have no problem forgiving the top recruiter for the KKK? Do you understand how insane that sounds?


Pripat99 t1_ivohyeg wrote

Your party is still endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan and you want to talk about a guy who was last in their ranks 70 years ago. It’s a bold choice, I’ll give you that.


Shortchange96 t1_ivojn01 wrote

My party? How assumptive of you to presume I’m a Republican. I’m a registered Independent who voted for Ned Lamont yesterday, but nice try


Pripat99 t1_ivomykk wrote

Sure. Have a nice day.


Shortchange96 t1_ivp44qk wrote

Of course you don’t believe me, why would I lie? I don’t often vote blue, but I did yesterday for Lamont. Fact of the matter is, both sides are hypocrites and the Dems had the Exalted Cyclops of the KKK as one of their leaders. Racists on both sides


Pripat99 t1_ivp4gno wrote

Fair enough that you feel like this. Again, have a wonderful day.


giant_toad42 t1_ivn7a4j wrote

Can a Republican ever not be a racist or a fascist to you?

Bro. Democrats did not change. That's why I'm an independent..

[ I see that downvote. Clearly not. People don't change - Racist Democrats never changed. They just HID it. Stand behind what you claim and accept it when people say the SAME THING YOU'RE SAYING. ]


SnottyTash t1_ivncpy8 wrote

Lmao you argue Republicans can change in your first statement, then state Democrats never changed in your second. If you can’t see the irony you’re beyond help


giant_toad42 t1_ivnpalj wrote

Here you go proving my point.

Fuck off please.

"Beyond help" - buddy, read this:

The article is all about people who think like you.


SnottyTash t1_ivoj2rx wrote

Hahaha you are just the embodiment of a reddit gremlin, bud. Which TIL did you pick that nugget up from? I’m in awe of how astute you are, really!


giant_toad42 t1_ivowxni wrote

Having seen and experienced more of the world than you will ever hope to, maybe?

I'm getting a very strong stink of undeserved arrogance from you.


SnottyTash t1_ivoxt1q wrote

> Having seen and experienced more of the world than you will ever hope to, maybe?


> I'm getting a very strong stink of undeserved arrogance from you.

You couldn't make this up. Check your own shoes, or your pants maybe


Pripat99 t1_ivn7jjt wrote

Yep. I know Republicans who are neither. Might want to reread what I wrote because I don't think you understood it.


Ds87878 t1_ivn0n78 wrote

Please seek counseling


ObiWan_Cannoli_ t1_ivn37a9 wrote



Ds87878 t1_ivn87za wrote

They admitted to voting for someone they hate because of some defect in their brain where they think one side is better than the other. All politicians are useless. But whatever, everyone knows Reddit is a liberal circle jerk. Most people on here fall over themselves to get together and group-think in their echo chamber. Please downvote me.


SnottyTash t1_ivnctax wrote

Hurr durr both sides amirite-skis? Russian bot or idiot, not sure which


giant_toad42 t1_ivn6obp wrote

Jahana Hayes sucks. I think the same as the prior poster

We can say it and it's ok. She's not a friend of people with jobs. Are you in her district? Do you see her "achievements?"

She touts how she fucks us over. I wanted to see her lose so next time around we can replace her with someone more who gives a shit about the people in the 5th.

Too bad we got gerrymandered into New Haven and Hartford.


phunky_1 t1_ivmrg22 wrote

60-40 right now, seems like people are overwhelmingly telling Republicans to pound sand.


MyDogIsACoolCat t1_ivmumdh wrote

Depends on which areas of the district are reporting. If it's the urban parts, then that number would be concerning.


coolducklingcool t1_ivmnbv6 wrote

I’m not sure that will be decided tonight even. Might be too close to call - at least for me, who will be asleep by 10 🤣