Submitted by uuuge t3_yzarbz in Connecticut

I know that using marijuana and possessing a firearm are federally frowned up (illegal) but what happens when a CT Pistol Permit holder takes a drive over the border to Massachusettes to purchase through a dispensary for recreational use, not with a medical card. Would this cause any issues with future firearm purchases, or when your CT drivers liscense is scanned does it stay in some state or federal database? I know you can't bring your purchase back to CT across state lines.



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eat_my_shorts_Reddit t1_iwyva0j wrote

No different than you driving to mass and buying a bottle of alcohol. It’s not an illegal drug. You can absolutely bring it back across state lines btw.


1234nameuser t1_iwywhdd wrote

It's not going to be tracked or hurt you.


eat_my_shorts_Reddit t1_iwyxh4z wrote

Not for personal amounts of weed. It’s not like these laws stopped anyone from bringing it across state lines when it was illegal in both states. The state police aren’t going to waste their time trying to bust people with an oz of pot coming back from Mass they have much more pressing things to do like not enforce the speed limit on the highway.

Now if you get stopped with a pound of weed bagged out into ounces coming over state lines that might get you a trafficking charge


Ok_Passenger5127 t1_iwyxhl8 wrote

It’s not a big deal on the state level, they haven’t been actively going after people in either state. That being said it is still illegal at the federal level, so you really can only choose one or the other.


nikedude t1_iwyyj25 wrote

Officially, if you already have your permit, when you go to renew, you will need to attest that you are not this:

>>You are an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance (as defined in the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 801, et. seq.).

So while legal in the state, it's still federally illegal at the moment. This might change with the latest bill sent to Biden to sign though.


silasmoeckel t1_iwyzj7a wrote

You would have to lie when you renew, if they feds ever get snippy enough not hard to subpoena the dispensary records.


TywinShitsGold t1_iwz00ju wrote

If you are an unlawful user of marijuana - that’s anyone who uses marijuana - you will have to lie on your atf form every time you buy a gun and your permit renewal form.


wwoliver04 t1_iwz177h wrote

You’re perfectly fine. They aren’t tracking things like this.

Source: did exactly what you described countless times since 2018 and never once encountered any issues


blaze1234 t1_iwz587h wrote

The laws as written are usually irrelevant.

Facts about actual enforcement patterns are key.


Numerous-Staff1492 t1_iwztrlt wrote

Probably shouldn’t smoke weed if you’re willing to go across state lines to get it and drive potentially hours for it. Go to the gym and go to the gun range you don’t need weed


im_intj t1_iy56cbb wrote

The federal government needs to get with the times and repeal these marijuana laws and leave it to the states.