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Calm-Inevitable-6110 t1_j1obh71 wrote

You do know they get 3x pay, right? Why are we thanking them?


Frequent_Jelly_4138 t1_j1orm9g wrote

God forbid they do their jobs right. It’s like praising the pizza delivery guy for dropping off your pizza. It’s what they’re paid to do


6byfour t1_j1ot4q1 wrote

You know what? If I call for a pizza in a blizzard and the dude shows up, you bet your ass I’m thanking him.


Calm-Inevitable-6110 t1_j1pw0hd wrote

Exactly right, thanks for doing your job. It's amazing how we need to give everyone trophys and rewards and praise for doing what they are getting paid to do. Sick society we have.


Cheap-Employment-294 t1_j1r3pkb wrote

Do you job for 16-24 hours a day in terrible conditions with additional hazards all of which could hurt or kill you***