
Frequent_Jelly_4138 t1_j1f33uu wrote

Exactly what I’m saying. When did we become so entitled that we demand nice things for cheap? If you spent half the time you are fighting for affordable housing actually working, maybe you could afford to live in a nice place. This is America, you have to pay up for nice things. Stop complaining


Frequent_Jelly_4138 t1_j1esezv wrote

You do realize the reason Connecticut is so beautiful and holds it’s charm is because we haven’t adopted those things. I guess it’s all a matter of perspective but to those who value that we hate the idea of changing for density, while those who can’t afford the nice party’s want to create denser towns so they can afford it. What they don’t know is that those towns would lose their charm and people would stop moving there, defeating the whole purpose and value of moving there


Frequent_Jelly_4138 t1_j1eo12e wrote

You new urbanists make me laugh. I’m literally a multi family real estate developer and all y’all who aren’t in the industry immediately jump to transit based development because it’s the easiest way to defend and disguise affordable housing when in reality it does the opposite