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netscorer1 t1_izylvi6 wrote

One more thing - I talked to a truck driver about GPS units (not on this specific topic, but in general) and he mentioned that many commercial GPS units are not well suited when pickup or delivery needs to take place at private residence. They are mostly designed for truckers who move containers from warehouse to warehouse. As this driver is a home mover, he might have been previously discouraged to use commercial GPS unit because of that limitation. As for Google (an other popular GPS apps to some degree), I agree to disagree. Having built-in truck mode is not that difficult and there is no excuse that they ignore one of the largest driving communities on the road for so long.


BronzedAppleFritter t1_izyrdz9 wrote

It sounds like the drivers or the companies they work for need to be smart enough to switch between the apps. Or plan their route out instead of just relying on GPS in the moment.

I don't understand why you think Google owes that to truck drivers, though. The drivers and their companies don't pay for it and Google doesn't market Maps as a truck GPS app. Google doesn't need any excuses because they're not saying they provide Maps as a service to truck drivers. I think if I was arguing from your perspective, the "excuse" is that Maps is for cars and not commercial trucks.


netscorer1 t1_izytc5k wrote

No private company owes anything to anyone, unless they are regulated. But Google derives a shit load of money from built-in advertising on their Google Maps and from the constant tracking of the drivers on the road, so they can push even more ads their way. So, in a sense, they would be smart to actually build a useful truck mode that all truckers would be all too happy to use. As for switching between the apps, I guess you never sat in a commercial truck seat. There is already an overload of information that you need to pay atention to. Commercial truck dashboard resembles much more airplane front panel then your typical Toyota Corolla. To have also multiple GPS units try to talk to you at once and directing into potentially two completely different directions is too much distraction even for a seasoned driver. Again, I have several friends who practically live on the road, driving trucks. And they all use Google Maps, whether it’s right or wrong.


BronzedAppleFritter t1_izyx28t wrote

It might make sense for Google to do that, but they don't owe it to truck drivers or anyone using a free app. It doesn't benefit Google β€” it doesn't collect your data or serve you ads β€” if you don't use it.

Why is it not a problem at all to use one app, but some kind of huge burden, compounded by the all of the info on the dash, to switch between two apps? They don't need to have both active at once.

Yeah I'm not saying they can't use Google Maps. I'm just saying it's part of their job to drive safely and follow the rules of the roads they choose to use. However they want to get there is fine with me. But they're the ones causing the problem when they don't do that, not Google Maps.