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Potts01 t1_j1cv3ma wrote

Is the wind part of things over now? I’m abroad and stressed out about my house haha (South Fairfield county)


Meagz4 t1_j1d5moy wrote

Still gusty in Danbury. Was worse an hour ago I would say. Or maybe just because it was dark….


hexidist t1_j1cwpju wrote

Wind isn't a huge issue. It will probably kick some things around that knocks into power lines, causing some power outages.

If you are close to the shore, flooding is something to be concerned about.


kingfarvito t1_j1cx8m7 wrote

What? Wind is what is going to cause power outages and closes roads


hexidist t1_j1cyqo0 wrote

We are in a better situation than most of the country at the moment. Don't go outside and prepare for power outages as best you can. There is no risk of storms that can create highly destructive conditions. Hope you trimmed your trees, but at least you won't have to find your car 4 blocks over.


kingfarvito t1_j1cz6q8 wrote

What do you think is happening in the rest of the country my man?


painterlyjeans t1_j1db9um wrote

I'm originally from Connecticut and now in Ohio we are having strong wind all day and currently our real feel is about -21 and will be dipping down throughout the day.


hexidist t1_j1czmt7 wrote

I'm not a meteorologist, but when a high-pressure system meets a low-pressure system, things get pretty fucked up.


Potts01 t1_j1cwwvm wrote

Thanks - well it is an issue for me to lose power because my heat functions with Water so I could not shut it off before leaving. So if I’m out of power when freezing temperatures hit, my pipes will likely burst… and I am in Singapore haha


hexidist t1_j1cxl0v wrote

We pay exorbitant amounts to Eversource. I know there are a lot of expected power outages throughout the state, so they are staffing a lot of people to try and handle it. Low Temps won't hit until later, but if it is an emergency, they might be able to provide guidance.
