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Nexttothefloat t1_j13etsx wrote

All of this stems from lack of enforcement on roadways. When is the last time you’ve seen some one pulled over for speeding?


Squirts_Faygojizzer t1_j13gusf wrote

More roadway design than anything


akb__ OP t1_j13r4v7 wrote

This is definitely part of the problem. WH resident. Speed limit on my street is 25mph (I’m in a school zone, rest of the street is 30mph) but road is designed for cars to go 40-45mph I’d say. A decent number of cars obey speed limit near my house because of all the school zone signage, but also see plenty of cars in that 40-45mph range on a daily basis. Have also seen cars go by doing 70-80mph on occasion.


DasMudpie t1_j13xxek wrote

Most roads were designed a long time ago. How would that explain the recent uptick in pedestrian fatalities?


kppeterc15 t1_j15ltb9 wrote

roadway design combined with bigger, heavier cars = more pedestrian deaths


dkdaniel t1_j14ldps wrote

The design was always dangerous, but larger and heavier cars along with phones have made the bad design more of a problem.


dkdaniel t1_j13o2gt wrote

The other commentor is right, its got more to do with road design. The only kind of enforcement that works long term is automatic speed cameras.


Nexttothefloat t1_j13qmu3 wrote

I agree, if you mean by “road design” pedestrian walkway/traffic upgrades. But it will still be Mad Max out here no matter how well it’s designed.


dkdaniel t1_j14lmsl wrote

Things like raised crosswalks, chicanes, leading pedestrian signals, no right on red are all part of street design and would prevent deaths


Ordinary_Guitar_5074 t1_j13sltp wrote

The idea is to make roads that don’t invite speeding. So instead of wide straight roads you narrow them and add curves and speed bumps. Putting a 25 MPH sign on a road that can easily be driven at 50 MPH is a pipe dream. People don’t drive by looking at their speedometer they go the speed that they can travel comfortably. Car design keeps improving so the ride is smooth so bad driving is encouraged. Think of a grocery store parking lot. Cars and people everywhere right? Yes. But are people seriously injured or killed in grocery store parking lots? No not really. But cross the street in front of your house and you’re putting your like in jeopardy to a 1500 pound mass of metal traveling 40 miles per hour with a distracted parent in a rush behind the wheel. Make driving difficult = fewer severe accidents.


johnsonutah t1_j151veh wrote

I drive more in CT now than ever before, and I see less cops on the road or traffic stops than ever before. I don’t understand what happened


Nexttothefloat t1_j157lmw wrote

The lack of police presence is palpable in CT now. But not to worry! Your local Wal-Mart & abandoned parking lots have 3 cruisers ready to take on the action!


dkdaniel t1_j12bb70 wrote

This is on top of the non-fatal collision in West Hartford last week. Second death of the year in West Hartford. Meanwhile the state has seen 69 pedestrian and bicyclist deaths this year, the most on record. There will be a demonstration demanding safer streets 8-8:45 AM tomorrow at Boulevard & Whiting.


MoeLittle t1_j12cabz wrote

Is it a real demonstration or will it just be you trying to hold up traffic during rush hour?


[deleted] t1_j12qjvc wrote



BryanCalens2ndFamily t1_j13a93t wrote

So many cars just stop and idle near that corner of Farmington going down south main in front of the shops, waiting for someone or dropping off, it’s only two lanes and heavily trafficked.


lachyTDI7 t1_j13lqf0 wrote

Now that I have little kids my danger awareness has increased tenfold and am acutely aware of how terrifying it is to cross most of the main streets in West Hartford (any town really). If we want to get to our local park we have to cross the 4 lane New Britain ave that is basically a highway. The center is supposed to be family friendly, yet you have to cross a 4 lane stroad that is South Main where someone has already been killed this year. The main intersection is basically mad max. If the town wants to market itself as a town for families, they have to do something about how difficult it is for pedestrians to access their businesses and services with fear of getting mowed down.


mirabelle7 t1_j15yke3 wrote

And, someone was just hit by a car in the Center while crossing in the crosswalk in front of the library on Saturday afternoon…


[deleted] t1_j13pxh9 wrote

Speeding is a nonviolent crime. Why should our police waste their time with nonviolent crimes? There's more important things. /s

Well, people - this is why nonviolent crime should be dealt with.


yeet41 t1_j14f9dj wrote

Exactly, fines only hurt the poorer class of people. I can pay speeding fines all day and not be bothered.

I didn’t see this much outrage when the person jogging was ran over by teenager in a stolen car with large arrest record in new Britain. Guess it needs to fit the narrative.


dkdaniel t1_j14lzyb wrote

Outrage has been building as people have become more aware that the number of pedestrian deaths is climbing while in other developed countries it's falling. People are realizing these deaths are preventable.


johnsonutah t1_j15253a wrote

Lol so true about the kid in new Britain with a long ass rap sheet who killed a person in the stolen car.


keepitupxxx t1_j13jfyt wrote

Another tragic traffic incident that could be prevented Care less is killing our civilians


Allinorfold34 t1_j13pkv3 wrote

I live on boulevard down the road from where this happened. It’s a 30 mph speed limit street. People blow by my house going 60+ all the time every day. They turn off trout Brook drive and there’s no stoplight until south Quaker and if they make that light they are flying. I imagine the driver was going way over the speed limit… they need to place speed tables on boulevard at key points all the way to prospect ave


elsereno20 t1_j14tvzx wrote

I'm curious—do you think there should be a stop sign at the intersection where the accident happened? I'm surprised that there isn't one, given the proximity to the school.


johnsonutah t1_j1528d3 wrote

Speed bumps not just stop signs. People blow through stop signs and red lights all the time now in ct


kppeterc15 t1_j15lpau wrote

Speed bumps, narrowed roads, roundabouts instead of standard intersections... physical infrastructure is the only solution.


DarkLamont t1_j13sq1o wrote

Speeding =/= murdering somebody and driving away. These comments are wild lol


dkdaniel t1_j14lsl3 wrote

The driver murdered the pedestrian and drove away


DarkLamont t1_j14r3k1 wrote

What does that have to do with speeding?


kppeterc15 t1_j15sugk wrote

speed makes you more likely to hit and kill a pedestrian

when you speed, you are endangering other people's lives


DonutsNCoffeee t1_j14cpq6 wrote

The roads in West Hartford and a lot of other built up areas in CT are just too big. People have all this space so they think they can safely cruise along at 50mph in a 30mph zone. Try driving in Europe and there’s no way you can hit 50mph on their city streets because they are too narrow. If forces the driver to slow down. Being a pedestrian in the US is fucking scary.


DavidOriginal t1_j13zqd4 wrote

Do people actually think that more cops means less Speeding? Unless you want a cop on every block than maybe, but if America needs anything it’s less cops. Just put numerous speed bumps in pedestrian areas and problem solved.


Nexttothefloat t1_j14l31y wrote

Check out the latest news on I-91! Gunfire exchange on the highway, but speed bumps & better “road design” right?
