DarkLamont t1_jb6lkzf wrote
>Of the country’s more than 3,000 counties, only about 40 have merged with their core cities since 1895. About a third of those are in Alaska and Georgia.
A 0.44% chance over 128 years, almost down there with the odds of dying from Covid, I can see why you brought it up.
DarkLamont t1_jadlzva wrote
Reply to What careers do you guys have? by Limp_Stress4254
Financial, I'd go healthcare if you can
DarkLamont t1_jad1a1b wrote
Reply to Whose tracks are these? by thug_nificent
Little foot
DarkLamont t1_jacutcg wrote
Reply to Why has plowing in CT gotten so bad? by schlasara
>Lack of resources? Lack of drivers? Underpaying people?
Yes, it's a new normal you'd best adjust to for all aspects of life
DarkLamont t1_jaco872 wrote
CT is a car state, I don't understand how you would function without one.
DarkLamont t1_jaco1qz wrote
Reply to Why is Connecticut specifically the coast line so underdeveloped in respect to shopping, housing, and entertainment? by Teslatron2049
Nobody lives on the shore
DarkLamont t1_ja9ncoz wrote
Reply to CT drivers with trucks and SUVs, by schlasara
You're asking why people equipped to drive in inclement weather are upset with those not equipped to drive in inclement weather? Because it's extremely dangerous and selfish...
DarkLamont t1_ja9bn5l wrote
Reply to Who’s excited for some snow ❄️ by Dark-_-Memer
Are they legalizing that too?
DarkLamont t1_j9ubjjs wrote
Probably normal parts of the curriculum and just angry republican parents tbh
DarkLamont t1_j9pe7no wrote
Reply to With Today being Iwo Jima day I just wanted to take a minute to show off CT's very own memorial in New Britain. It commemorates all that died in the battle but was mainly dedicated to the 100 men from Connecticut who lost their lives on this day 78 years ago by sporky211
It's crazy to me they keep a fire lit 24/7
DarkLamont t1_j9jowde wrote
Reply to That billboard by ILovePublicLibraries
oof, up there with the arm statue in Boston
DarkLamont t1_j9fyibk wrote
Reply to Now that Putin has suspended nuclear arms treaty should we be concerned in CT? by IndicationOver
Unfortunately for us, on the list of things to be worried about nuclear arms/war is still ridiculously far down the list.
DarkLamont t1_j9fur8l wrote
Reply to Moving from the UK to work in New London, Where's the best place's to look at moving to? by UNCERTAIN_BUCKET
I know they're called New England and New London but they're not literal names fyi
DarkLamont t1_j8yfl30 wrote
Reply to What are y’all doing tonight? by jacksparrahh
Negative energy?
DarkLamont t1_j8tq6pz wrote
Reply to comment by omeedohmy in Medical marijuana dispensary recs please! by Poseylady
I absolutely love that CT adds an extra layer of complexity for absolutely no reason.
DarkLamont t1_j8s5zju wrote
DarkLamont t1_j8ryfxw wrote
Reply to comment by andherewestand in Trans-friendly nail salon? by andherewestand
I'm sorry she's had that experience, shedding light on a topic is always the best solution so you're being a great friend
DarkLamont t1_j8rxnvs wrote
Reply to Trans-friendly nail salon? by andherewestand
How could the nail salon employees tell they were trans? Are you sure they were upset with their genitalia or maybe it's something else? We're like in the top 3 for trans friendly states, I'm not being a dick.
DarkLamont t1_j8idxnm wrote
Reply to Hey Vermonters, stay off the f*cking ice. by zombienutz1
What ice
DarkLamont t1_j8eq6o3 wrote
Reply to ROUND 2: Which of these six places would you choose if you were forced to live in one for a year? by lbigz
How are you this good at picking equally terrible towns
DarkLamont t1_j80pnl5 wrote
Reply to comment by new_Australis in Pre-School teacher at a public school keeps disciplining out son for saying "oh my god" by new_Australis
Parent goals <3
DarkLamont t1_j80kn5y wrote
Reply to Pre-School teacher at a public school keeps disciplining out son for saying "oh my god" by new_Australis
Sounds like a good teacher to me, maybe have a chat with your child if they're saying stuff like that in preschool........
DarkLamont t1_j7qapff wrote
Reply to Burlington High girls’ basketball team calls out ‘culture of racism’ in Vermont school sports by RamaSchneider
I didn't know black people existed up north tbh, I figured white people were trapped there
DarkLamont t1_j7h116c wrote
We just need to turn the heaters off to blow the balloon away
DarkLamont t1_jbb4p72 wrote
Reply to Do these CT GOP state reps believe in witches? They won't say. by Vivax-Foundation
Not trying to flex, but when it comes to CT our witches go hard