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[deleted] t1_j5yzu9c wrote



Taurothar t1_j5za2la wrote

I agree with reasonable term limits, but cycling new people that them too easily abused by lobbyists who know the system better than newbies. Career politicians at all levels have value in safeguarding the processes.

That said, nobody should stay at the same level for more than 8-12 years. Move up or move out.


AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j5zfbcw wrote

We have them. Every so many years, the term is limited by having to be reelected with popular support.

If someone is popular and gets elected what's the issue?

I prefer the wisdom of experienced people than some arbitrary feel good term limits.


Mental_Grapefruit726 t1_j5zdqza wrote

Politics shouldn’t be a career, but those serving us should make enough to live without needing a job or outside donors.

Term limits and a full-time state medianincome salary would satisfy both of those requests.