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chunkydrunkymonkey t1_j69iufr wrote

What’s your budget? Do you have any particular hobbies or activities that you enjoy?


[deleted] OP t1_j69jmbx wrote



curbthemeplays t1_j69mf0g wrote

You don’t have to spend that much for a smaller house.

I’d look at West Hartford, Southington, and Middletown personally.


chunkydrunkymonkey t1_j6bgp1u wrote

If you didn’t have the commute, I would say West Hartford. Since you have the commute, I would check out South Windsor or Middletown.

South Windsor is going to be cheaper both in terms of upfront cost and property taxes. It’s also most likely going to be an easier commute. The con is you will have to travel (but not far) for good food and outdoor recreation.

Middletown on the other hand has a higher cost of living and most likely a worse commute but has more things to do.

Up to you. Best of luck!