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404freedom14liberty t1_j51njqn wrote

I’m sorry that you were treated that way. What church was it?

Windham county is crawling with LGBT folks. Haven’t heard of the problems you had. Was this years ago?


nan_adams t1_j51ucpm wrote

It was 2020. First Cong. Church of Woodstock. There were a few local places we felt welcomed but many people in the area are bigoted. I also lost my job after I came out and experienced discrimination in my workplace; worked in Killingly at a mfg company.


404freedom14liberty t1_j5237pu wrote

Once again sorry for your experience. Not sure how I got off into this tangent. Was just trying to point out that Windham county is not the hot bed of backwoods racist people it’s made out to be. Actually it’s the opposite.