Submitted by From_My_Brain t3_10nmtud in Connecticut

My girlfriend lives at an apartment without a lease. She was recently told by her landlord that she would be selling the place. She asked if she could sign a new lease to lock in what she currently pays. The landlord said she could, but this would be void once a new owner buys the place and takes it over.

My understanding was that landlords could not just raise the price as they please on tenants that had a lease. Can someone clarify this for me?



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HealthyDirection659 t1_j69nb1j wrote

A new owner/landlord must honor all current leases. An exception to this would be if the new landlord or their family member plans to move into the space. Regardless, you would still have to receive a notice to vacate. Not sure if that notice is 30 or 60 days.


Teereese t1_j6b3bo1 wrote

The landlord is wrong. If she enters into a yearly lease, the new owner would have to honor the contract.

However, the landlord would be crazy to start a new lease while the property is listed for sale.


JustADudeBeingADood t1_j6b4wcv wrote

The landlord has zero incentive in locking your girlfriend into a specific rate/lease if they are selling now. Because if they do that, now they have to find a buyer who wants the property AND is okay with the current lease. This alienates a buyer who maybe wanted to live there themself or want different lease terms.

I am guessing the landlord said "yeah I could...but no" in a nice way but didnt make the rejection clear to your girlfriend.


From_My_Brain OP t1_j6bbco4 wrote

That's not the question.


WonderChopstix t1_j6bjg9z wrote

I think its because your question is all over the place and bc it's scenario driven.

If there is a lease for a tenant and the property is sold.... The new owner must honor the lease unless a) the new owner plans to move in or b) the lease has a clause saying it wouldn't be transferred. (This is general there are always specific scenarios. I haven't read laws in CT revently tho to see if B is still an option).

In this case there is no lease. The current owner would honestly be stupid to offer a lease is they want to sell.

Your girlfriend should look for a new place to live.


ccwilson84 t1_j6bjpcb wrote

The landlord is wrong, it does not automatically become void.

However as stated, the landlord would have to be an idiot to enter into a new lease on a property they intend to sell. That would be a foolish thing to do if you want to sell the property easily and for the most money.


Form684 t1_j6bnv6y wrote

Is it a month-to-month lease, if so they will only need to give notice of the increase. If it is for a term let's say 1 year, they will not be able to raise the rent during that period.


welcomebackjelly t1_j6bucxs wrote

If he lets her sign that lease he is the worst land lord ever and will likely lose the sale.