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red_purple_red t1_j6kb7vn wrote

You must have some money at least to pay for gas. You could try buying some temporary sealant for a few bucks at an auto store and then pump up the tire. It could let the tire hold air for a bit while you drive it to a safe location.

From there you could improvise a jack by getting a rock and a long branch and use that as a lever to jack up the car.


MoonFishLanding t1_j6levt8 wrote

“improvise a jack by getting a rock and a long branch and use that as a lever to jack up the car.”

Are…are you serious? This person needs help and you’re offering Looney Tunes logic?


HarryMcButtcheeks t1_j6mkzhh wrote

You gotta admit, the thought of using a rock and a stick to jack up a car is hilarious


red_purple_red t1_j6mwtr7 wrote

From reading the comments it seemed like he couldn't even afford to rent a jack, so the situation is desperate.