
MoonFishLanding t1_j8rgx9r wrote

I think it’s more about the quality slipping that’s attached to the name for what they’re known. It’s a common theme for places that have a renowned following that try to grow bigger than they should.

They start focusing on quantity rather than quality. You have to. Oftentimes, the care and preparation of the product also suffer because you bring in employees (non-family members) that haven’t been immersed in the “love” and pride of the business and don’t put the same passion into it.


MoonFishLanding t1_j7ndhp3 wrote

The name of it was "Middletown Lanes" and it was located at 890 Washington St. It closed in 1994. It was a normal bowling alley but it was "sunken" (underground/basement) as in you had to go down a couple flights of stairs to go down into it. It was smoky, dingy, and no natural was a bowling alley. As far as it being scary, I guess that's open to interpretation. Where in CT was your mother from? There are lots of smaller towns surrounding Middletown that didn't have the "city" way of life, especially in the 1960's. Maybe that contributed to her experience? Like any city there were most definitely some questionable people, but that occurs anywhere. "Scariest place" though? I don't think so.