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matt143450 t1_jac6xa3 wrote

I wish adult snow days existed, I love snow, hate driving through it though.


JasonRocco77 t1_jacb2lo wrote

I wish we would get something like this like a day or two before Christmas and then that's it.


KingDiEnd t1_jacf50h wrote

I was so excited to see real snowfall again that I sat outside for like 20 minutes last night watching it come down.


hymen_destroyer t1_jackkt6 wrote

The last day of February, AKA the last day I usually don't mind seeing snow. Well played, winter....well fuckin played


the-crotch t1_jacqjpi wrote

I got a puppy in september and I'm glad she got to see snow while she's still young enough to go crazy


Tay860 t1_jact6td wrote

I always knew I loved winter but I can’t believe how sad I was because it didn’t snow like this the past few monthsπŸ˜‚thankfully it’s here now


zinjarich t1_jactfe2 wrote

Only took us the entirety of winter


juicemw t1_jadtei1 wrote

Great pic! Did you leave your patio stuff out all year?


NostraVoluntasUnita t1_jadx228 wrote

I took the day off to play with my kids in the snow. Built a big snow ramp for their monstertrucks and some snowmen for them to destroy. Ive lost a son so believe me when I say: Its worth it, you never know how many you will get.


Johnnie-1 OP t1_jaeah6z wrote

Yes, it's powder coated, except the glass tabletop, I had a fire in the patio last weekend, and you never know in CT. I'm always ready for a beer and a firepit night.


keepitupxxx t1_jaepzjs wrote

Ended up having to work but the snow was a well appreciated change for this season


juicemw t1_jaez8u3 wrote

Oh I’m not judging. Tried convincing the wifey last week we should take our stuff out of the shed for the same reason. And I’ve been itching to work on the lawn but I know not quite yet.

+1 for a beer and fire pit night.