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mintccicecream OP t1_j80mimt wrote

Reply to comment by jrock0479 in Med Tech Companies by mintccicecream

Thank you! Unfortunately most of those companies are more “pharma” but I will double check just to see if it’s been updated since I last saw it!


biopharmguy-adam t1_j9f3d71 wrote

Unfortunately there is pretty much no medical device industry to speak of in Connecticut.

We have seven medical device categories on our business list here: On each list you can scroll to the CT companies and see the few that operate in CT. Probably a better method than browsing a big list of all the CT companies where most are not device.


mintccicecream OP t1_j9tj4m9 wrote

Thank you for sharing! I greatly appreciate it. Also, love your website! It’s super helpful. :)