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Kolzig33189 t1_j6sd5ra wrote

Reply to comment by hankbizzo5 in Good work out there? by [deleted]

Far removed from areas I know well, so I’m not sure I can be of much help. I will say to check and see if there is an Aldi warehouse within your area. Have a few friends who work in one and the pay starts somewhere around $21, lots of turnover so they’re constantly hiring, and (at least based on what they say) if you can actually show up to work, not be a complete moron, and not yell at supervisors you can get promoted up to a shift supervisor in about a year. Probably could have a side landscaping hustle as well?

Good luck!


[deleted] OP t1_j6sdetw wrote



Kolzig33189 t1_j6sdq6b wrote

Definitely keep applying there then, turnover is very high. Maybe go in person to turn in a physical app and speak with hiring manager (if you haven’t done so) because it could be something as simple as the algorithm Indeed uses auto discards your application for reason x.


bobbidoll666 t1_j6shom8 wrote

Right. Show up, shut your pie hole and fucking work. Seems rare these days and I'm personally sick and tired of being paid on the same scale as fucking losers who have no ethics, work ethics. Give me more the way, I need tomorrow off
