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SnottyTash t1_j8nqqa7 wrote

Furious at the dickheads doing 60 in the left lane, yeah, causing others to have to swerve around in the middle and right lanes to pass them.

I’ll have sympathy for slow drivers complaining on here when I consistently see them cede the left lane for its intended purpose: passing. But that’ll never happen


Supreme_Salt_Lord OP t1_j8nr8dg wrote

I agree, if you doing 60 in the left lane and your exit isnt within the next half mile in the same lane. You are a dickhead. 100% AGREE


crankygeese t1_j8pxu2a wrote

I agree with this completely. If you are driving slow on the highway, that is absolutely fine, I have absolutely no problem with that, just don’t hog the left lane and refuse to move over. I travel in the middle lane, and it’s dangerous when other drivers have to merge into the lane I’m in to pass a slow car, when they could pass in the passing lane if the slow car would move over. Also dangerous when the slow car tries to pace right next to me or is constantly just off to my side in my blind spot and not ever passing me.