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US-Freedom-81 t1_ja03cn4 wrote

If you are comparing it to WeHa and Glastonbury, I would say yes.


badbreath303 t1_ja06yrj wrote

Yes they are like lower-middle to middle class towns.


[deleted] OP t1_ja09m56 wrote



ArgumentLost9383 t1_ja0bmnq wrote

I spent my first 30 years in East Hartford and I would never move back, Manchester on the other hand I like to go to often. Manchester has a little bit of everything while East Hartford has been simply going downhill since it’s existence. Take a drive down Silver Lane and you’ll see. I used to go to restaurants there, got my tattoos there used to go to Bare Bones Boxing and the movies, ow there’s nothing but empty parking lots. It honestly makes me sad cause I’d love to live where I grew up but there’s nothing there anymore.


WhyTheHellnaut t1_ja0g6ia wrote

For East Hartford, you could probably draw a line from the southwest corner to the northeast corner to show the division between the fairly nice area and the sketchy, crime-ridden area. I'd feel safe and comfortable in the southeast, especially if it's close to Glastonbury, which is high-end.


[deleted] OP t1_ja05o0y wrote

Lol, this cracks me up. I was born in Manchester and currently live in EH. They’ve both changed tremendously since the ‘70s. They have their charms/merits, too. In terms of diversity, they’re not as sparkly white as WH and Glastonbury, which is definitely appealing to me. Being around only white people for too long gives me the willies. And I’m white! I prefer Hartford over all of these, but I know it’s not the focus of your question.


DaWeedMan12 t1_ja0618o wrote

Respek, respek to you for keeping it real about the diversity ting, my friend. It's like, why would you wanna live in a place that's just a sea of whiteness, you know what I'm sayin'? It's like, where's the flavor, where's the spice, where's the funky funky fresh vibes?

But anyways, it's good to hear you're reppin' your hometown like a true OG, even though it's not the main topic of conversation. And as for Manchester and EH, they might have changed a lot since the '70s, but one thing that never changes is the people, you know what I'm sayin'? And if the people are cool, then the place is cool.


[deleted] OP t1_ja0dqwb wrote



DaWeedMan12 t1_ja0fzxf wrote

Yo, yo, yo, what's up "offeringmyopinions"? More like "offeringmyboringopinions", am I right? Your opinions are so weak, they make me want to fall asleep. Why don't you change your username to "offeringmyyawns"? Or maybe "offeringmysnores"? Trust me, nobody wants to hear your boring takes. Maybe you should stick to offering snacks or something, 'cause you're not bringing anything interesting to the table. Boom! Respect.


WhyTheHellnaut t1_ja0ffl6 wrote

CT has one of the best school systems in the country in like, every category. Move out and come back if you want to compare.


DaWeedMan12 t1_ja0ergn wrote

First of all, let me just say that I'm not a product of any school system, okay? I'm a product of the streets, the school of hard knocks. And let me tell you, I've got more street smarts than you could ever dream of.

But for real, why you gotta hate on CT schools like that? Maybe you're just jealous because you couldn't handle our top-notch education system. Or maybe you just had a bad experience because you couldn't handle the heat. Either way, don't come at me like that. I'm a straight-up gangsta with a PhD in street knowledge.


badbreath303 t1_ja0784f wrote

I’m happy to know that someone like you exists but truth is segregation within diversity especially in Manchester. Have you ever heard someone calling Manchester Klanchester?


[deleted] OP t1_ja08yhf wrote

I didn’t say it didn’t. In comparison to WH and Glastonbury, you have a bigger mix of socioeconomic and racial diversity. I’m not saying they’re perfect on their own.


wherehaveubeen t1_ja0ejq4 wrote

I just checked the demographics and it turns out WH is actually 3% less white than Manchester, but the median income is 50k more.


[deleted] OP t1_ja0f9xb wrote

Daaaaang. And I thought I was a pedant.


noced t1_ja0c6gg wrote

Your question is far too vague. It really depends on what is important to the individual, right? We lived in Vernon for years. We now live in what this sub would agree is a much nicer town, but most days I would still choose Vernon. I miss the larger town with a more middle class population, over these “keeping up with the Jones” exurbs.


Chaotics_ t1_ja0ffx5 wrote

East hartford, yes, absolutely. Look at single family home prices. If you go to realtor and sort recently sold - single family homes - by price, the 10th most expensive house sold for just 320k. Do the same for manchester: 445k. West hartford and glatonbury: 920k and 827k.

This doesn't tell the WHOLE story but it does tell a good part of it.