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ParamedicCareful3840 t1_j9bvoce wrote

I just made a donation to planned parenthood in your “name” specifically for family planning. Where should I send the receipt?


Viceversa10 t1_j9bwoyt wrote

Thank you for donating to a cause you support.

You can post the receipt here on Reddit. I'll make sure to claim it on my taxes.


ParamedicCareful3840 t1_j9bzju2 wrote

Unfortunately it’s not tax deductible, but thanks for helping a woman exercise her free choice you misogynist twit


Viceversa10 t1_j9c6xyq wrote

I'll make sure to pray for the baby. May he or she be born to a mother and father that will love them.


ParamedicCareful3840 t1_j9c7t1o wrote

Your prayers to your made up sky BFF are sure to have an impact.

Also, not a baby.

Don’t like abortion, don’t get one. Support sex Ed and proper family planning, though you strike me as one of those really weird guys who goes to those creepy abstinence dances with his daughter


Viceversa10 t1_j9c8fdd wrote

I support proper sex education. I also support people taking responsibility and not killing a human.

A cell on Mars is life but a fetus is not?


ParamedicCareful3840 t1_j9caunb wrote

Never said it wasn’t life, but it’s not a baby. A baby has a distinct definition, which means born. Until viability the fetus is wholly dependent on the mother. If she chooses not to be a fetus incubator, that’s her choice.

After viability if the government wants to make laws (which is what Roe v Wade allowed for) fine with me. With 99 percent of abortions before viability and most abortions afterwards are when the life of the mother is threatened and/or there is no chance of survival like ectopic pregnancies, a minor issue in the scheme of things.

I may up my donation as you’re annoying


Viceversa10 t1_j9cigei wrote

If she didn't want to be an object like a fetus incubator like you said (lol at calling women objects, way to go) she should just close her legs or wear protection/the pill. All 3 of those options are free.

Life of mother, rape, incest. Those are the only reasons I would support an abortion.

Feel free to keep donating.


ParamedicCareful3840 t1_j9cm4lu wrote

Your vile misogyny is duly noted, now go run along and keep blaming women why you never get laid instead of looking in the mirror