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zedsmith t1_jcowzju wrote

If your lintel (metal header) doesn’t span from block to block, then your wooden post is structural, and cannot be removed without installing a longer lintel.


Lostscout84 OP t1_jcoz914 wrote

Does it matter that there is a 2x8 at each side of the entry way which is bracing the additional 2x8 wood header spanning the entire length?


zedsmith t1_jcozn9l wrote

If I had to guess, I’d say that the 2x8s are just there to make door installation easier for the carpenter, but without being there, I can’t guarantee that.


Old_timey_brain t1_jcp35us wrote

Right, the lintel is off center to the door. If the opening were enlarged to the right, you'd probably get away with it.