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t1_jcflf55 wrote

>Also thought about buying some and just remelting it

I wouldn't suggest this until you figure out exactly what material you're dealing with, you might need to get the raw material in liquid state, and then it just hardens by being exposed to air


t1_jcfri0x wrote

"Different plastics are used to make Wall Walkers. They may be composed of an isoprene polymer (a synthetic rubber), styrene-butadiene copolymer, or a poly(styrene-butylene-ethylene) copolymer along with tackifiers, and coloring materials."

"The Glue Ball® is made of a gel composed of an intimate melt blend admixture of poly(styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene) triblock copolymer with high levels of plasticizing oil."

Thread from 20 years ago:


t1_jcg03tm wrote

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