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ThatGuyGetsIt t1_j5pgtvn wrote

Does the same buzzing occur if you only have 1 of the lights connected?


Fluffy-Cress-9581 OP t1_j5pizks wrote

I pulled one down and only connected it up to one light and it did not make the buzzing noise. Could it be there are just too many lights for one dimmer to handle without making the buzzing sound at the panel? The reason why I am confused is I can have all the lights connected to a regular on/off switch, have them all be on at the same time with no buzzing, but when it’s on a dimmer that’s when the buzzing starts


Fluffy-Cress-9581 OP t1_j5pke2p wrote

It seems the buzzing starts after I add the second light, although it is much quieter than when all are connected


Fluffy-Cress-9581 OP t1_j5poy27 wrote

It also seems that the more lights I add to the circuit the louder the buzzing gets.