
ThatGuyGetsIt t1_j6fn58y wrote

Anyone who cares about speed won't really use a mouse unless it's the only option to do something. Mice are slow. Keyboard shortcuts are fast.

If you want a real-world example, I bet there are YouTube videos of blind people using a computer with only their keyboard and a screen reader. That'll probably give you a sense of what's possible with only a keyboard without silly movie hacker shit.


ThatGuyGetsIt t1_j52ukcx wrote

I think that you're inferring that a person willing to drop 500k on a space trip is so wealthy that they would just own their home outright.

I may have misinterpreted, though. But if that's what you meant, then a glimpse at OPs post history suggests that they don't have a mortgage because they're a kid.


ThatGuyGetsIt t1_j1jf1ua wrote

You're reaching pretty far in this silly endeavor of trying to be right about something. You may go around completely willing to put the shit of other people in your body, but I'll make active efforts to refrain from doing so and support businesses who exercise more sanitary approaches to things.

Go ahead and get your last word response in, but I think I'm all set here. Happy holidays 😃


ThatGuyGetsIt t1_j1jdzro wrote

One thing.

That dude that just came out of the bathroom after taking a shit didn't wash his hands, and he just grabbed one of those stirrers and in doing so touched several other of the stirrers.

But you do you.

Edit: you're also making assumptions about plastic. There are enviro-friendly approaches to this that don't use plastic and come from renewable resources.
