Hello, my parents had a leak (since repaired) in an upstairs bathroom that has stained the ceiling on the bottom floor. The ceiling is an unpainted joint compound knockdown texture. Is there a good way to cover the stain that won't require painting the entire ceiling? Luckily the stains are down a hallway with little natural light so it wouldn't stand out too badly.
winter_rainbow t1_j7ztb12 wrote
If you can somehow get a physical sample, from a closet or utility room ceiling, you can take that sample to a paint store and they can match the colors. Get flat paint and feather it out the best you can. It will be noticeable, but not as bad.
Vonderboy t1_j7zxryn wrote
Just to add, use an oil based primer first. A spray can will work just to prime over the stained portions of the ceiling. If you paint right over it without primer, the stain will bleed through. As other said, flat paint is best. Matching however is going to be a nightmare. You need a flat sample to get a good match with a color sensor. Painting the whole ceiling is the right answer, but go ahead and give matching a shot. You'll have to prime first either way, and maybe you get lucky. If it's too noticeable, you can always just finish painting the rest of the ceiling.
Own-Veterinarian-964 t1_j8019a1 wrote
I’ve had amazing success with bleach in a spray bottle. I used to try to paint but it’s always noticeable and never completely matches. Make a mixture of 1 part water, 1 part bleach in a clean spray bottle. Cover anything nearby so you don’t spray bleach on it (including painted walls). Soak the area, but not so much that it drips. Walk away. After it dries the area should be noticeably whiter. 1-2 applications is all I usually need to get it completely removed.
[deleted] t1_j80270a wrote
DaanTheBuilder t1_j808edk wrote
You will always see when you only paint a small part.
And it's a small ceiling it shouldn't take you that long.
First you use a stainblocker, you can use a spray can or a latex paint designed for it. After you roll the ceiling in your desired color.
[deleted] t1_j8094ot wrote
xpen25x t1_j80d5ej wrote
First you prime it with a good quality primer. Beat to tint it. Then paint the ceiling
FabianVG t1_j80garb wrote
Well this is more technique than a tip, but I've sprayed an area and faded it out over an area. But you'll still have to tape it up and watch for over spray.
xeroksuk t1_j80gequ wrote
You'll need to do the whole thing, unless you want an obvious mismatch.
Use a waterproof coating first or else the stain will come through the paint.
tom_d87 t1_j80gmfi wrote
Jefwho t1_j80p8r8 wrote
I just dealt with this problem. Use a shellac based primer to cover the stained area throughly. Don’t buy a spray paint can, get an actual can of paint and apply it with a brush or roller. It is extremely thin. So don’t put too much in your brush or it will splatter everywhere. I used the Zinnser BIN primer, it completely encapsulates the stain. Then follow up with a coat of Kilz stain blocking primer on top of that before painting over with your actual paint color. My co-worker calls this the belt and suspenders approach. If one fails the other will hold up. I can’t see the stains at all.
MagnificentBastard0 t1_j80qdo0 wrote
This also works wonders on water stains on drop-ceiling tiles.
BeeExpert t1_j80voj9 wrote
Just hang a couple of photos or art pieces over it
bostonbananarama t1_j813n5f wrote
Kilz makes a good water stain coverage primer. Should be easy to find at any home improvement store.
aNWGuy OP t1_j816aql wrote
On the ceiling? 🤣 maybe like the dentist office
aNWGuy OP t1_j816d3m wrote
Thanks for the advice all!
K_O_Incorporated t1_j817bkc wrote
Or a mirror. 😏
BeeExpert t1_j8180iw wrote
If it's good enough for the Vatican... Hehe
aNWGuy OP t1_j81azqk wrote
Touché. If I can get the pope to swing by maybe he can find a good artist.
Some-Bee55 t1_j820lt2 wrote
They make special spray paint you can use to cover it and then paint it. We used it and it worked great.
Busby5150 t1_j82b06r wrote
This ^^^
TitanofBravos t1_j82vmce wrote
How long has the leak been there?
If the leak has been fixed for several days already and the ceiling still looks like that then you are going to need to stain seal those particular areas and paint the entire ceiling
If those water marks are still actually wet then let them dry. Once dry, if they arent too bad the easiest solution would be to get more premixed drywall ceiling mud, add water to mix and stir until the drywall mud is more like the consistency of paint, and then apply several layers of the drywall mud/paint to the affected areas.
Staggsbefixin t1_j83tqbb wrote
Not much to do besides prime and paint if you want it to look right.
Never had a water stain bleed through after priming with Cover Stain
snacks450 t1_j7zspor wrote
It’s going to be noticeable if you don’t paint the whole ceiling. Also, you should use a primer.