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Trousered t1_j1fxsbb wrote

This video is blocked in Australia...


SaltyDoggoMeo t1_j1fyoi7 wrote

If you’d like to know a lot more about this horrifying series of attacks and murders, watch:

Deep Water—The Real Story free on Amazon Prime.

EDIT: I apologize for previously disparaging the documentary OP posted. I’m sure it’s great.


ocarinaofhearts t1_j1g3030 wrote

Of course it’s blocked in Australia. I’ll have a suss if any podcasts have put out an episode about it.


thrashmanzac t1_j1gd9jr wrote

Apparently Peter Dutton used to go "gay bashing" when he was a cop.


Less_Imagination_352 t1_j1gf7ng wrote

There is currently a special commission of inquiry into this. Inquiry web page

The Commissioner had a duty to make a report or reports to the Governor as to whether there is or was any evidence or sufficient evidence to warrant prosecuting a specified person for a specified offence.


chris_p_bacon1 t1_j1gg4p6 wrote

Scott Morrison (the ex prime minister's) father was the head of the local police department that swept all this under the rug.


nopp t1_j1ggkup wrote

It’s also available for free in australia on 7plus. My quick google says so. Must have been co produced so on foxtel first.


Red5point1 t1_j1go18o wrote

Saw the whole thing, I did not see where they identify any sports stars as potential culprits. Got any other links to that OP?


dshmitty t1_j1gu77i wrote

Yeah I would have wrote it as “Scott Morrison’s father (the ex prime minister) was the head of…”

Edit: I’m dumb I thought Scott Morrison was the son of the prime minister lol. So, better way to write it would be “the father of ex prime minister Scott Morrison was blah blah”


cpt_ppppp t1_j1gv6wa wrote

would this not be saying that Scott Morrison's father was the ex prime minister?

Personally I would go with 'The father of ex-prime minister, Scott Morrison, was the head of...'

but what do I know, English be tough sometimes


dshmitty t1_j1gvju5 wrote

I was mostly being kidding, I already said the way it probably should have been written in a different comment. Also just so you know, they are parentheses, not brackets. Brackets are these [bracket]


HelenEk7 t1_j1h6w1b wrote

I started watching it, and it seems to focus on just one guy? They might cover the rest if I watch further, but the documentary is a bit slow..


Ryan_enO t1_j1h88fx wrote

The next Justin Kurzel film?


thrashmanzac t1_j1hbt9u wrote

Completely anecdotal, but years ago I used to work with a bloke that said he went to uni with a woman from his home town. She had told him it was a bit of an open secret when she was younger. Take that with a grain of salt, or a pillar, but she apparently thought it was the reason he left the police.


sayabi t1_j1hcz41 wrote

[ Removed by Reddit ]


BloodSteyn t1_j1hh9y8 wrote

Imagine that... a bunch of murders committed on a penal colony, whowouldathunk? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But in seriousness, that's scary shit.

Edit: You guys can't take a joke.


chefanubis t1_j1hhy2k wrote

Wow I used to be a fan of Jean Claud Van Dame but I don't think I can condone this.


brezhnervous t1_j1hor4u wrote

Our first police force (The Rum Corps, as they controlled the rum trade which was used as currency in the colony) was made up of some of the better behaved convicts.

And little has changed lol


bmorejaded t1_j1hromv wrote

They technically work here but the information seems integral. They're overused in a lot of writing. They are most effective when adding information that isn't easily included by is necessary to understand the sentence. I'm not the only one to say this and there are a couple examples floating around.


ImJustSo t1_j1hsjfv wrote

It's insane. They're just men, that's the fucked up part. People just killing other normal people. Acting as if it's normal. Then others behind them also acting as if it's normal.

There is nothing different from me or another dude just because a chick gets me hard and a dude gets him hard. There's nothing different from me or another dude just because his wife gets him hard, but not me.

Because it's totally fuckin normal to be attracted to things that others aren't and vice versa. An unattractive woman is just as attractive to me as any man.

Yet if that were somehow different and I felt exactly all the same things, but for men instead, how the fuck should I deserve to die for that? IT'S EXACTLY THE SAME. I would be the same person and what would be different is the people I choose.

What a crazy fucking stupid backwards puritanical dip shit fuckin world.


DatSolmyr t1_j1htr0r wrote

This is the classical example of how English' possessive S is transitioning from a word case to an enclitic, which is a small word that is not fully independant, but isn't just a part of another word: that you use it at the end of phrases (the Queen of England's funeral)


ElNeneAngel t1_j1hw6iv wrote

"Bracket" covers both in English, to the extent that [ ] are even called "square brackets" and { } are called "curly brackets" (sometimes "braces").

I've now semantically satiated the word "bracket" and it all looks like gibberish. Had to double check!


gheeboy t1_j1hxes2 wrote

This is important and I'm happy it's getting attention

It wasn't just Sydney. It was everywhere. People would do this on weekends for fun


richants t1_j1ido59 wrote

Spent a few years in and around Bondi during this time and never even knew about this. We were aware of some groups coming from innerwest that came to Bondi to fight and cause trouble but nothing about gay bashings or murder.

Remember reading somewhere that the cops involved were from kings cross


Promattic t1_j1ig74v wrote

What happens in the Kumite stays in the Kumite


Alex_DK t1_j1iodr7 wrote

Australia is such a shithole place fr.


dshmitty t1_j1ja1gg wrote

Ah that’s interesting. No fucking idea why I have downvotes on that lol. Damn people are sensitive as shit. They’re called parentheses in English, which is all i was saying. Not mad at u, but downvoting my comment literally makes no fucking sense lol.

Edit: “Parentheses are the curved brackets "( )". They are also called round brackets, curved brackets, oval brackets, or, colloquially, parens.”

So, parentheses is STILL correct in non-American English, it’s a more specific way of saying curved brackets.


Maus_Sveti t1_j1jagyu wrote

Because it’s annoying to “correct” people on their English when you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Edit: 🙄

“As well as signifying the overall class of punctuation, the word "bracket" is commonly used to refer to a specific form of bracket, which varies from region to region. In most English-speaking countries, an unqualified word "bracket" refers to the parenthesis (round bracket); in the United States, the square bracket.”


dshmitty t1_j1jai0v wrote

“Parentheses are the curved brackets "( )". They are also called round brackets, curved brackets, oval brackets, or, colloquially, parens.”

So, parentheses mean the same thing in non American English.


dshmitty t1_j1jajre wrote

When I don’t know what I’m talking about? They’re called fucking parentheses ya dunce. Look it up.

Literally Google it. The person even acknowledged that they meant to say parentheses.


dshmitty t1_j1jbewe wrote

THE PERSON EVEN CORRECTED THEMSELF. brackets, just brackets, mean these [], apparently in non-us English ( ) can be called curved brackets. Go fucking ask somebody in a other threat what “brackets” are. Just brackets. I would bet you anything the majority of people will say []. Now I know that in other countries just “brackets” can mean parentheses. But parentheses is clearly more specific, more easily understood, and it’s what the op meant to say. As a matter of fact, go ask the fucking op if they meant brackets or parentheses.


dshmitty t1_j1jbzyz wrote

How about this from Merriam-Webster. They use that in other countries right?

“a : one of a pair of marks [ ] used in writing and printing to enclose matter or in mathematics and logic as signs of aggregation”

This is the only relevant definition. So, people might call it that where you’re from, but its unspecific and parentheses is still a word there.


dshmitty t1_j1jchya wrote

When you say brackets are you referring to parentheses, these ( )? This is so confusing. In the US, these are brackets [ ] and these are parentheses ( ). But apparently in other places brackets by itself means parentheses unless specified, “square brackets” for example. I never knew that


sayabi t1_j1l4wpt wrote

What do you mean? I am talking about the detective who solved these murders.