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Darkwing_duck42 t1_j4tnl2z wrote

In Canada or well Ontario I think they are phasing this out because it's honestly the dumbest shit ever to put kids in jail.. they take em out camping now like completely roughing it for awhile where they kid of actually depend on an adult.

I'm really not sure what happens after and I'm sure there are still some jails but honestly you'd think it'd be more a mental health issue at a young age.


Ksradrik t1_j4tu2wy wrote

What the fuck is wrong with that continent?

Your first idea is to put innocent minors in jail, and the second is to just make them homeless???

Even the middle ages had orphanages, or at least churches.


nsa_reddit_monitor t1_j4tvulb wrote

The Catholic Church still does have orphanages like they did in the middle ages. But nowhere near enough for all the kids.


jnx666 t1_j4ty25w wrote

I would never give a child to the Catholic Church. Not with their track record.


nsa_reddit_monitor t1_j4u392v wrote

The Catholic Church is less likely to harm a child than the streets or foster system, which is so rife with abuse the Simpsons did a whole episode about it.


Ksradrik t1_j4uw9oz wrote

And it is a low bar indeed to be as trustworthy with children as the... catholic church...