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t1_it3rr81 wrote

Still so smokey though from the fires


OP t1_it3vuco wrote

Yeah it was! At night more smoke rolled in, and it got so bad we couldn't see any surrounding peaks. Pretty crazy experience..


t1_it5dmpi wrote

My wife and I recently summited a peak as the sun was setting. The hike down in the dark was pretty frightening even though we had a strong flashlight. Were you OK in the dark?


OP t1_it5sbu3 wrote

that sounds like an adventure! Yeah we were fine, just camped in a tent in the moonlight, it was very peaceful


t1_it55mkd wrote

From Seattle, 250 aqi yesterday. Gotta love wildfire season


t1_it5cpw5 wrote

Member when we didn't freaking HAVE a "wildfire season?" I member.


t1_it5nucm wrote

Right? I've lived in Washington my whole life and this is so weird and no one where I live seems willing to acknowledge that this never used to happen and it blows my mind. 2020 was by far the worst where I am, but this week has also been really bad.


t1_it5pdd1 wrote

This whole year seems to have been bad. But yeah, I never saw this before 2017.

Edit: I first moved to Washington in 2006 and Iā€™m being downvoted for describing my lived experience. Never change, Reddit.


t1_it7dvfi wrote

I moved to Montana in 2008. Have a free upvote to combat the ignorant, my PNW neighbor :)


t1_it64s35 wrote

Kim worried that from now on we will have two seasons: rain and smoke :(


t1_it7zvwy wrote

I'm 37 and grew up and still live in interior BC, not far from Spokane. Wildfire season was always a thing but it was super rare for it to get really bad. Now it's really bad more years than it isn't. Its nothing like it used to be and I hate it when people bullshit like it's nothing new.


t1_it5yzav wrote

You guys got it way worse than us (California) this year. Spooky stuff. I was kinda thinking about moving up there (sorry) to run from the fires, but maybe I should just keep on truckin all the way to Juneau or something...


t1_it5fyn4 wrote

I saw Diablo Lake at 888 aqi a couple days ago šŸ¤®


t1_it5ohby wrote

That's got to be a failed sensor


t1_it5ql6f wrote

It is not. I misspoke though, it is on Ross Lake not Diablo Lake. The sensor is right across the lake from the Desolation wildfire and the topography on the north end of the lake traps the smoke something fierce.


t1_it5lvg6 wrote

Seattle was awful today. I'd bet that visibility in the city was less than 2 miles.