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baltimoretom t1_iycld9f wrote

I zoomed in to see if there was a village


JesterOfTheMind t1_iycpqvw wrote

Me too. Then I realized I was an idiot, yet again.


teaganofthelizards t1_iycu6ee wrote

I kinda figured they filmed exterior shots there and there were the remains of a set or something


gham89 t1_iycx9qz wrote

You guys can't see it?

Maybe you don't believe in Santa or something, it's clearly there.


-Bk7 t1_iycz66o wrote

Also zoomed in and didnt see anything so I came to the comments to find out where it was... only to find out, I am an idiot. And not the only one lol


otavioexel t1_iydakfs wrote

I not only missed the village but the joke as well...


baltimoretom t1_iycya9b wrote

I realize this several times a day (that I’m an idiot, not you).


markevens t1_iyedwtn wrote

Not an idiot when the title hints there might be something.


otters4everyone t1_iye20yf wrote

(Shamefully raises hand) Yep. Me too. Even popped it into Photoshop to really check.


iamamountaingoat t1_iybpjyd wrote

Why the significant compression? It’s incredibly jarring. Baker isn’t even close to that conical.


pxcrunner t1_iyd1t2n wrote

He does this on every mountain image he posts. I remember seeing his mt hood picture a while ago and it was comical.


mapoftasmania t1_iydan6x wrote

Yep. Dude works in the advertising department for Paramount Pictures.


soil_nerd t1_iydlcal wrote

In that post someone made the same comment and his response was:

> It’s a 3 shot vertical panorama, the distortion is a result of the ultra wide fov. I could have corrected it, but simply prefer the more fantasy/steeper look.


pxcrunner t1_iydryyu wrote

If that were true, the bottom of the image would be just a distorted and stretched out. It’s not.


Prof_Explodius t1_iydz3x4 wrote

Yup. Not sure why OP feels compelled to make photographic falsehoods and then double down by lying about it, but those two things are probably related.


Anteros t1_iyddj1e wrote

A lot of landscape photographers these days just seem to edit based on what looks good for instagram


yanquiUXO t1_iydhg4g wrote

I was wondering where the pic was taken from because I've never seen Baker look like that


EvergreenOutlaw t1_iyc9sc9 wrote

Did you edit the peak? Baker is a lot flatter on top


SRCnole92 t1_iycucix wrote

I think it might be taken facing sherman crater which is the dark blip in front and is at a lower elevation than the summit


katoomer3 t1_iydbx8q wrote

It definitely is that conical from this angle, you just aren’t used to seeing it from this perspective.


crappuccino t1_iydw8hp wrote

It definitely is not that conical. OP butchered Baker's profile. Look for the Coleman Pinnacle in both images, these are from a similar POV and only one shows Baker's natural shape:


jsgrrchg t1_iyehjo8 wrote

Thats distortion because of telephoto lens. This is a wider shot, so, more conical.


enek101 t1_iyd92l1 wrote

Only to drop a bit of wisdom. I am from Massachusetts. While we dont have as majestic of a view Whoville is believed to be based on a real town and the mountain is based on a real mountain. The town is Easthampton and the mountain is Mt Tom. If you google the latter the shape is rather similar. also ill drop a link for the story. I do the hike up Grinches mountain every year to look upon Whoville


Link :


Edit : adding a pic of Mt Tom


paperbag085 t1_iye4g2b wrote

Ayye, I grew up a town over and came here looking for this! Thanks for spreading the western mass lore :)


AGent_Falcon t1_iyfcbel wrote

I went scrolling for this comment. I grew up in Springfield MA and lived in Easthampton for a while. I’ve got some beautiful winter pics of Whoville from the top of Mt Crumpet.


TLOC81 t1_iybpwju wrote

It looks more like Mt. Hood. I don’t recognize the lower peak though


Pittedstee t1_iydkksn wrote

This looks edited. Mt. Baker looks misshapen...


Sensor_Sensei t1_iycjrq7 wrote

Add a sentient line up of stars and that's Paramount mountain.


UsedUpSunshine t1_iycmz2m wrote

Is it really though? That would be cool.


danonck t1_iydx0et wrote

I think the real one is in Peru. At least that's what a YouTube video on geography of Peru that I've seen last week claimed


randomdumpsterfires t1_iybusbm wrote

Shout out to my home mountain.


ConflictGuru t1_iycbt1c wrote

Are you a goat?


jerudy t1_iycwx6z wrote

If you’re actually wondering what they probably mean is they’re a skier/snowboarder whose local ski resort is Mt Baker Ski Area located on the Northern foothills of this peak.


shwasty_faced t1_iydzbnh wrote

Sitting right there in view (nearly right between) of Baker and Shuksan is such an fantastic location for a ski area.


UsedUpSunshine t1_iycmtjo wrote

If they happen to be a Capricorn, does that kind of count? Half a point?


feverlast t1_iycl1id wrote

Wow. Mt. Crumpit is beautiful this time of year.


falcorheartsatreyu t1_iycag8i wrote

I live in Bellingham WA and have the pleasure of gazing at this mountain each day


EdwardOfGreene t1_iydnq0x wrote

LOL - each day?

Like the skies are clear enough to see to see more than a quarter mile on even half of the days.

Awesome the days you can see it though!!!


Pilot0350 t1_iycup4e wrote

I've been to the summit and it was one of the best views in the world. Highly recommend it if you are able. You won't regret it.

Also the false summit smells like butt.


elcapitan520 t1_iyeepmj wrote

Doing it on skis next time. That hike out was a long bummer lol


climberjess t1_iyeivoy wrote

Lmao those sulfur vents are rough! We submitted Baker a week after doing Shuksan and seeing it at Sunrise above the cloud cover was like nothing else...


The_Funky_Rocha t1_iyddf8q wrote

Looks great but every picture of a snowy mountain makes me pause just in case SCP 096 is there


mushturt t1_iyex9qn wrote

Yeah, like, with this title op made me look closely at the photo and now I'm scared.


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BwanaPC t1_iycymbq wrote

You're a mean one.


_AlreadyTaken_ t1_iyd80bf wrote

I've climbed that sucker and it stinks of sulfur around the crater and I got a corneal abrasion from blowing snow on the way down (had to pull goggles down due to fogging).


Witness t1_iyd3imd wrote

Dahoo dores!


DrDoop t1_iyd4q7o wrote

Grew up under its shadow in the Skagit Valley. Couldn’t ask for a more beautiful place to live.


Reedzilla04 t1_iydjlg4 wrote

What date was this taken?


nmesunimportnt t1_iybrl12 wrote

Where is the ski area relative to this location?


G-Hoffa t1_iyc12il wrote

The Ski hill is actually beside Mt.Baker in an area called Shuksan arm. It's the side ledge to Mt. Shuksan. Either way it's been awhile since I've looked it up, someone correct me if I'm wrong. I think Mt.Baker Ski area is Called Mt.Baker due to it's proximity to a very recognized geographical landmark. Hope that helps.


IamChwisss t1_iycz4b2 wrote

Thanks for this .. was wondering how the fuck they would let people ski that. Makes much more sense now.


iamamountaingoat t1_iyd7qsq wrote

It’s actually a very popular ski descent, but you have to hike up it. It takes about 7 hours for an average group to reach the summit.


IamChwisss t1_iydc51q wrote

7 hours?! I thought there was a chair that would take you closer to summit.


iamamountaingoat t1_iydega1 wrote

Nope, the chair lifts are located about 9 miles NE of Mt. Baker itself. The mountain proper is almost entirely on wilderness land, so there’s literally nothing there besides a few dirt roads to get you to the base, and some hiking trails that are covered in snow anyway if you’re skiing it during peak season (spring). Its also covered in crevasses so people generally rope up for the climb (but not for the descent). Climbing and skiing it is very much a long ski mountaineering day. The cool thing is timed right you can ski continuously from the summit to your car for about 8,000 vertical feet of descending.


shwasty_faced t1_iye03mj wrote

Chair 8 drops you off at a boundary gate on the Shuksan side of the ski area. After a short hike up from the gate you can traverse the ridge and drop into the bowl that's visible from the ski area. It's famous for the action shots the ski area posts on their socials but the ascents of either Baker or Shuksan are far more work than that.


IamChwisss t1_iyel1wz wrote

I think this is comment gives me the perspective i needed. Now i know what people mean when they say they hiked to the top.


elcapitan520 t1_iyeg0o1 wrote

Ski resorts don't often go to summits and Mt. Baker is a glaciated peak. The typical summit route for skiing (that I know of) goes over Colfax glacier specifically. So you need to be a decently experienced ski mountaineer to handle the skiing as well as crevasse concerns as the seasons turn.

The ascent from the trailhead is about 7 miles and 7k feet elevation to reach the summit. The chairs at the ski area only go up to about 6k feet or less and are located northeast of the main mountain area. The summit is around 10.5k feet elevation.

There's plenty of incredible backcountry skiing throughout the Baker area and I believe other summit routes. But nothing a resort or chairs would go near. I just realized it's not even a resort there either. It's just the 'ski area' that has lifts, avalanche mitigation, and half the map marked off as a cliff warning lol.


IamChwisss t1_iyeht0z wrote

So basically what you're trying me is the guy in my office who said he went to baker for 1 day and hiked to the summit, yet also said the rest of the resort was sick was most likely full of shit?


elcapitan520 t1_iyejqbc wrote

It'd be a long ass day lol.

If he was on foot and doing it in a day, he'd likely have to start at about 2am from the trailhead to hike up with crampons and not posthole the whole way. For someone in very good shape and experienced, they could summit around 8-9am. Getting back to the car, grabbing lunch in glacier and heading over to the ski area to check it out wouldn't take more than a couple hours.

If they were on skis, the timing compresses considerably. You'll go (slightly) faster up and way faster down and want to summit later so your getting snow instead of ice. That might be a 4am trailhead start for a 10-11am summit and back to the car before 1pm easy.

It's doable but it's adventurous and takes some crazy legs


IamChwisss t1_iyelgp4 wrote

Nah, he's full of shit. Snowboarder.. story is he got to sneak in a day on a work trip. He probably meant he hiked to the top of the bowl accessible from the chair as someone else explained to me.


shwasty_faced t1_iye0696 wrote

You could actually ski both after touring from the ski area (there are two major lodge parking areas on opposite ends of the ski boundary). Cody Townsend has a pretty impressive ski descent of Shuksan as part of his THE FIFTY project and he camped overnight in the White Salmon Lodge parking lot.


CStock77 t1_iyd5mlo wrote

I also think part of the reason the ski area is called mt baker because it sits in Mt Baker national park.


axnjackson11 t1_iycbwrc wrote

It's out of frame to the left. This photo is taken from the NE of Mt Baker.


crappuccino t1_iydvev6 wrote

The resort is behind the photographer from where this was shot, this was taken near Artist Point.


Acceptable-Arugula69 t1_iydpt7d wrote

This shot of Mt Baker is spectacular! The Who’s in the valley must love it at this time of year. 😉


toribiotoribio t1_iydsbjf wrote

I lived in an apartment in downtown Vancouver and had an amazing view of it. Always blew my mind that I was locking into another country from my couch. Damn I miss Vancouver


bckpkrs t1_iyem071 wrote

Totally stretched perspective done in photoshop. Nice fantasyscape. Done for likes, I'm sure.


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toastibot t1_iyc8ong wrote

Hi and welcome to r/EarthPorn! As a reminder, we have comment rules in this subreddit. Failure to follow our rules can result in a temporary or permanent ban.

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killerkow999 t1_iycmf0e wrote

If you look even closer you'll see those wolves from frozen


massmedman t1_iyco79s wrote

Look even closer and you will see the house set off in the distance


ccdnl0 t1_iycuk1k wrote

thank you for sharing!


RamblingTakes t1_iycxns8 wrote

That looks like the mountain from SSX3! Nice picture dude!


Jedi182 t1_iyczz4c wrote

I zoomed in like an idiot


MAJORMETAL84 t1_iyd7194 wrote

Could be a Bob Ross painting!


Sikisan333 t1_iydero7 wrote

Alphabetically........... I hate hate hate double hate whoooooooss entirely... suckn cheermongers


slash2die t1_iydog1u wrote

I don't know why I read that as Wolverine.


Iancreed t1_iydomek wrote

I think I can see a Yeti ❄️🦧


Random-Rambling t1_iyduecs wrote

You can even see a little divot right at the peak of Mt. Crumpet Baker that could be where the Grinch lives!


Memory_Less t1_iyedll7 wrote

I miss my high peaks hiking. I want to be there so badly.


dynamite10x t1_iyeezp0 wrote

The spring of wisdom awaits


Nok-y t1_iyefitf wrote



[deleted] t1_iyevc2h wrote

Can’t wait to be here!


HindermanM t1_iyeyv51 wrote

I thought these were the Coors Light mountains for a minute


Knitsabitshit t1_iyeywoi wrote

Okay, now you need to photoshop in the village for all us suckers who zoomed in. Also, a tiny sled pulled by Max at the top. Please 🥹


Sparky8924 t1_iyf3788 wrote

Thank you for sharing , awesome pic.


SmugFrog t1_iyf6am7 wrote

I can’t see it but I hear them.


Sora1992 t1_iyf8y4j wrote

Sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong place


poozer69 t1_iyfd0y9 wrote

If you went to Universal Studios Hollywood, there was also a Whoville in the valley. The San Fernando Valley.


_Tocatl_ t1_iyfd4rg wrote

Ardvarkian Appacanasia Who, I HATE YOUUU


myredac t1_iycxjid wrote

wow did anybody else see the snow leopard??


messylettuce t1_iydcw16 wrote

I skipped the text and said “heh, another mountain valley that looks like Whoville.”

Oh look at that, someone else sees it too.