
UsedUpSunshine t1_j46dfjt wrote

They have a very hard time and they generally don’t go in water because they can’t swim. Another animal that can’t really swim is a hippo. An elephant can be in water over its head because of how their muscles and ligaments and whatnot hold their lungs. The water pressure does nothing to their lungs. Unlike with giraffes.


UsedUpSunshine t1_j03rwqo wrote

I’d throw money at people for that to get done. Other night I was sitting outside enjoying nature when suddenly it got too quiet. The dogs stopped barking, the bugs went quiet. I jumped in my car real quick. Even I felt that there was something lurking. Didn’t see what it was, but I didn’t leave the car again for a while.


UsedUpSunshine t1_iqu5be5 wrote

Every place I lived in Puerto Rico has flat roofs, but if you have a leak, you generally have a pretty big problem at that point. My grandma’s house has a small layer of concrete and tar. My grandpa said he’s never had a leak and it would be a “devastating cost” if the roof had a leak.