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Capable_hands t1_j2ov3ny wrote

It's 30km off the beaten path along the bc side of rockies after taking a 70km dirt logging road. Its a delicate area so I unfortunately won't be sharing the info myself, but with some googling I am certain you'll come across it. Happy hunting!


dcowboy31 t1_j2p2q1h wrote

lol this area is so hard to get to concealing it is kind of pointless. I hope to spend a few nights here next summer though!


22justin t1_j2oy5yh wrote

It's extremely remote. I wouldn't worry


somersquatch t1_j2qxgdm wrote

"here's all the info you need to find it, info you definitely didn't know before and can certainly lead you to exactly where this area is....but I won't just tell you where it is and instead I'll force you to do more than you should have to and find it yourself so I can somehow keep my conscience clear even though I basically told you where and what it was"

I don't mind in the slightest if you said you weren't telling people where it is and kept it to yourself, but to say that and also still give the correct info is...weird. It genuinely made me chuckle but I do know this comment comes off as asshole-ish...but lol


philo_xenia t1_j2qj5wz wrote

Thank you so much for not spilling the beans. I have no clue where this is at and I would love to know, but I have my special places on this planet that I've unfortunately seen shared on social media and the sadness from seeing that is real.


Midgetsdontfloat t1_j2qoa2w wrote

This place is so far off in the middle of nowhere that I seriously doubt it matters.

There's not a lot of people scrambling to go hiking at Tumbler Ridge.


fuckdonaldtrump7 t1_j2r0aad wrote

The people making this trek to this remote location likely also share your love for nature. I don't see many people going on long drives and hikes to trash an area. Those places you can usually drive up to the location and get your picture without doing all that work.