ttystikk t1_jebpsbg wrote
Reply to comment by SandBoxKing in [image] Don’t burn your opportunities by racemoseMalamute470
You make an excellent point.
ttystikk t1_jebpoy0 wrote
Reply to comment by miso25 in [image] Don’t burn your opportunities by racemoseMalamute470
For sure!
ttystikk t1_jebpmyk wrote
Reply to comment by lavahot in [image] Don’t burn your opportunities by racemoseMalamute470
Too close to the truth!
ttystikk t1_jebpkc7 wrote
Reply to comment by homelessdreamer in [image] Don’t burn your opportunities by racemoseMalamute470
Who said I was shaming?
ttystikk t1_jebpfp8 wrote
Reply to comment by Kicooi in [image] Don’t burn your opportunities by racemoseMalamute470
LOL and that's, you know, not exactly actionable advice...
ttystikk t1_jeayhrz wrote
Reply to comment by guitar-ass in [image] Don’t burn your opportunities by racemoseMalamute470
Bro... I got one word for you;
ttystikk t1_jeaydgh wrote
Reply to comment by jedidoesit in [image] Don’t burn your opportunities by racemoseMalamute470
>Someone said that discipline is when what you want most is more important than what you want now.
This is much better advice than the OP.
ttystikk t1_jeay2qo wrote
Reply to comment by RavenDMidnight in [image] Don’t burn your opportunities by racemoseMalamute470
This is solid commentary, worthy of deeper thought.
After a long period of wandering in the woods of depression, I've recently started climbing again. It isn't comfortable and it isn't easy but it IS a lot more fulfilling.
ttystikk t1_jeaxptv wrote
Reply to comment by greenrangerguy in [image] Don’t burn your opportunities by racemoseMalamute470
Best response yet. I need actionable intelligence, not platitudes.
ttystikk t1_jeaeify wrote
Reply to comment by J3ST3Rx in [image] Don’t burn your opportunities by racemoseMalamute470
I'm going to admit to being blind and not seeing the ladder lol
ttystikk t1_je9f35g wrote
What does this even mean?
ttystikk t1_jbo3gb1 wrote
Reply to [Homemade] Prime Ribeye by cookinwithclint
Sous vide? Looks fabulous!
ttystikk t1_jb83hes wrote
Hauntingly beautiful
ttystikk t1_ja7laxj wrote
If AGI advances as much as people say, it will be our last invention because it will kill us.
The trouble with predicting tech is that it plateaus and then surges forward dramatically. Again tech has been refining, not revolutionizing for 75 years after WWII ushered in the Jet Age.
Smartphones exploded in capability and popularity and are now entering the same phase. Same with the Internet.
Looking back, until about 200 years ago life was fundamentally similar to the way it has been lived for thousands of years; heating with fire, riding horses, building things by hand. The railroad was still in its infancy, as was the Steam Age.
200 years from now it's anyone's guess but I will say this; either we put the warmongers on a leash or they will kill us all and the only thing left on Earth in 200 years will be rats and cockroaches.
ttystikk t1_ja2vndt wrote
Reply to comment by Delicious-Day-3332 in Space station crew welcomes replacement Soyuz amid Crew Dragon launch preps in Florida by _Analystica
There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever of your assertion that "Putin" will screw with the space program and in fact there is plenty of evidence to support the opposite conclusion.
If anyone has threatened the space program over deteriorating relations earthside, it's been the Americans. This is yet more bullshit projection of American sins onto the Russians.
ttystikk t1_j8hca22 wrote
Reply to comment by GingerandSeaSalt in [homemade] dumplings by GingerandSeaSalt
We all have a great time, because it gives people something to do with their hands instead of surfing on their phone.
ttystikk t1_j8ejvjg wrote
Reply to comment by GingerandSeaSalt in [homemade] dumplings by GingerandSeaSalt
I cheat and buy the wrappers... And then I cheat again and sucker my dinner guests into making them lol! I make the filling and the dipping sauces and pan fry them 15-20 of them at a time and everyone attacks and devours them the moment they hit the table!
ttystikk t1_j8ck9nw wrote
Reply to [homemade] dumplings by GingerandSeaSalt
I'm a big fan of dumplings! Those look amazing!
ttystikk t1_j8af6z3 wrote
Reply to comment by crankyape1534 in The moon rising over the Rockies [OC][6016x4016] by crankyape1534
Colorado is seriously overrepresented in this sub but as a resident myself, it's hard to complain too much.
ttystikk t1_j8af0kd wrote
ttystikk t1_j83pjjs wrote
Soooooo much this!
ttystikk t1_j6tqrbw wrote
Reply to Have you ever thought how/what it would look like to wander through space forever? by Twidom
Humans have absolutely no idea what "forever" feels like.
The human body is frail and does not have the capability to see much of what's out in space- no surprise, since we evolved to live on Earth. Without instruments, you'll see a fair bit but you won't get nearly as much out of the sharp points of light from stars and faint smudges of nebulae as you would with, say, a telescope.
ttystikk t1_j6mdlqf wrote
Reply to comment by Sylph_uscm in ‘Extraordinary’ footage shows one of the closest known approaches of a near-Earth object — On 26 Jan. 2023, asteroid 2023 BU was about 2,200 miles above the surface of the Earth by marketrent
The desire to detect near earth and potentially threatening objects has been a recurring theme in proposals for detection equipment, budgets and observation time for at least several decades. It might not be the headline reason, but it often makes the list. NASA has also built up an extensive library of such discussions over the years. I hope that makes you feel better.
ttystikk t1_jeegvp0 wrote
Reply to comment by whilst in [image] Don’t burn your opportunities by racemoseMalamute470
Lol that's kind of the official narrative, isn't it?