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SandAndAlum t1_japl46k wrote

NIMBY is a stretch. More like Not In The Back Yard Of The Town I Was Paid To Crisis Act In.


Carl_The_Sagan t1_japw5gj wrote

Not ruling this out, but you may be underestimating true nimbyism


SandAndAlum t1_japywoa wrote

Even the locals are usually just responding to scare campaigns.


Carl_The_Sagan t1_jaq65q7 wrote

I dunno, the appeal of localism is that getting angry and showing up to meetings actually works, unlike other politics


mrtouchybum t1_jaskykx wrote

Lol I live in a small town. It has fought wind and solar. Both were going to be like 10 miles away. They were offering incentives. Lower electrical bills and helping bring fiber internet to the area. Nope, cause it’s evil liberal stuff. People had signs that said keep your commie fans out of my backyard. I like the town because it’s quiet, but it’s backwards in so many ways. I don’t really see eye to eye with people in my area and have to stay quiet or I’ll get harassed.