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t1_jebz750 wrote

>Pursuant to the Property Clause of the United States Constitution (Article 4, section 3, clause 2), Congress has the power to retain, buy, sell, and regulate federal lands, such as by limiting cattle grazing on them. These powers have been recognized in a long line of United States Supreme Court decisions.

Tl;Dr: OP blaming sleepy Joe over Republican Congress and Supreme Court decisions.

Edit: If you all took the time to do a single Google search you'd see that the Bureau of Land Management is an agency within the United States Department of the Interior, and as such, it is accountable to Congress through the Secretary of the Interior.

Edit^2: The BLM is required to provide regular reports to Congress on its activities, budget, and performance, as well as to respond to requests for information or testimony from congressional committees. Congress also has the power to authorize and appropriate funds for the BLM's operations and programs, and to conduct oversight and investigations of the agency's activities.


t1_jed0w3c wrote

What? Secretary of the interior is on the cabinet, they report directly to the about confidently incorrect.....


t1_jed2q0f wrote

Yup, this guy has some serious selective Googling skills. It takes a special kind of stupid to confidently claim something a 10 second search proves false.


t1_jed6la3 wrote

The BLM is required to provide regular reports to Congress on its activities, budget, and performance, as well as to respond to requests for information or testimony from congressional committees. Congress also has the power to authorize and appropriate funds for the BLM's operations and programs, and to conduct oversight and investigations of the agency's activities.

Talk about confidently ignorant.


t1_jed7hgp wrote

Nothing you said contradicts anything I said.


t1_jed7kuv wrote

You know what. Fair play.

They also report to Congress, who controls their budget. Who created them. Who can dissolve them. Who has the final say in their activities.

But blame sleepy joe amirite?

There's a lot of reasons to hate our president, this ain't it.


t1_jed9x2l wrote

They don't report to congress. They report to the president. Congress is a check on the executive branch, and congress sets the budget.

This doesn't mean the executive branch answers to congress. They're checks on each other.


t1_jedb264 wrote

My dude. They literally do report directly to congress.

The Bureau of Land Management is a federal agency within the United States Department of the Interior that manages public lands and resources. The forms used by the BLM to report to Congress can vary depending on the specific information or data being reported. However, some common forms used by the BLM to report to Congress include:

The Annual Report of Lands and Minerals - This report provides an overview of the BLM's management of public lands and resources, including information on the status of grazing permits, mining claims, and oil and gas leases.

The Report on the Status of Oil and Gas Resources on Federal Lands - This report provides an assessment of the status of oil and gas resources on federal lands, including information on production, reserves, and exploration activities.

The Report on the Management of Wild Horses and Burros - This report provides information on the BLM's management of wild horses and burros on public lands, including population estimates, adoption rates, and range conditions.

The Budget Justifications - These documents provide detailed information on the BLM's budget requests and priorities, including funding levels for specific programs and initiatives.

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents - These documents are prepared by the BLM to analyze the environmental impacts of proposed actions on public lands, and are often required by Congress as part of the agency's decision-making process.

It's important to note that these are just a few examples of the forms and reports that the BLM may use to report to Congress, and that the specific forms used can vary depending on the type of information being reported and the requirements of Congress.


t1_jedbh6s wrote

They give congress reports. They "report" to the president.

The president is their boss. Congress is not. Do you really not understand this?


t1_jedgheq wrote

The Secretary reports to the president. The Director of BLM reports to congress. All committees are held inside congress and committee seats are assigned to BLM staff, congress persons, and experts.

Tl:Dr Secretary is appointed by each new administration. Director is permanent.


t1_jedbq7f wrote

Congress can literally shut them down. They control their budget, they have the final say in where the money goes.

I don't think you understand exactly what this means.

If I control your income and I say "show me a report of where this money is going, it better not be to selling land for oil drilling" are you going ro say "fuck you I don't care if I have any income" or are you going to do what's required to stay alive?


t1_jecphim wrote

says the Secretary of the Interior (who reports to Joe) administrates land and water exploration rights.

Odd how native americans have lately been very much in the "Drill baby drill" mindset.


t1_jecsjr7 wrote

They need money too. They get paid for easements at ridiculously high rated vs the general public.


t1_jedmivd wrote

Considering most of them exist in forced poverty, im not surprised.


t1_jecis5i wrote

Huh, coming in with no knowledge of what OP said, and yet I’m not confused at all… it’s almost like people regurgitate, political, talking points.


t1_jeckzzs wrote

You should probably read his comments then. 👉😎👉


t1_jecr2x6 wrote

You should probably read the article.


t1_jecykof wrote

The Secretary of the Interior reports to Congress buddy.


t1_jed1j1s wrote


> The department is headed by the secretary of the interior, who reports directly to the president of the United States and is a member of the president's Cabinet.


t1_jed6qd0 wrote

The BLM is required to provide regular reports to Congress on its activities, budget, and performance, as well as to respond to requests for information or testimony from congressional committees. Congress also has the power to authorize and appropriate funds for the BLM's operations and programs, and to conduct oversight and investigations of the agency's activities.


t1_jeec9h3 wrote

All that means is that the BLM has to inform congress of their activities etc., and congress can use the power of the purse to deny them funds to act as a check on their power if they don't like what they're doing. But they are told what to do by the executive branch.


t1_jed371x wrote

Gonna have to record this stupidity for when this guy deletes his comment.

> If you all took the time to do a single Google search you'd see that the Bureau of Land Management is an agency within the United States Department of the Interior, and as such, it is accountable to Congress through the Secretary of the Interior.

One single google search later:

> The Department of the Interior is headed by the secretary of the interior, who reports directly to the president of the United States and is a member of the president's Cabinet.


t1_jed6sfi wrote

The BLM is required to provide regular reports to Congress on its activities, budget, and performance, as well as to respond to requests for information or testimony from congressional committees. Congress also has the power to authorize and appropriate funds for the BLM's operations and programs, and to conduct oversight and investigations of the agency's activities.

How about you delete yours?


t1_jedce4c wrote

Providing reports and reporting to your "boss" is not the same thing.... the bmv gives me a driving report does that mean they report to me? You can't be this dense can you?


t1_jedcsob wrote

Hey buddy, it seems we're starting to get a little heated, I just want to let you know I'm not attacking your intellect or character here. For all intents and purposes, the President can try to make them do whatever he wants.

That said, Congress can literally cancel them.

This is akin to your boss being the chief of police so it's okay for you to ignore the city council and mayor telling you to quit selling Crack to kids or they'll cut your department's funding and have you fired.

Let me know if there's anything I missed in my analogy, or if I need to clarify anything alright? I'm all for clear communication.


t1_jederz5 wrote

They don't report directly to congress no matter how much you say they do. Now we Americans have something for our government called checks and balances. Congress doesn't give BLM orders. The president does and then afterwards congress can check them after the fact. Also your analogy was pretty out there and has no relevance to the discussion. The mayor can't fucking fire a policeman for selling Crack to kids, only their employer (the chief of police) can. You really are just stupid 😂 👋


t1_jedf7il wrote

I tried to be cordial with you, I made sure you knew it wasn't a direct attack against you, I gave you the exact documents they use to report to Congress, and gave you an analogy as to why it's important they obey Congress or lose their funding entirely, and your response is:

>You really are just stupid 😂 👋

Classy. Nice chatting with you.


t1_jedfelv wrote

Who gave BLM the order to sell this piece of land? Please tell me since you know everything


t1_jedg5ml wrote

That's a great question.

The decision to hold an auction of oil and gas leases in the Gulf of Mexico by the Bureau of Land Management would have been made by the agency itself, based on its statutory authority and the policies and priorities of the current administration. The BLM is an agency within the U.S. Department of the Interior, and its decisions are subject to review by the Secretary of the Interior, who is appointed by the President of the United States. Point to you.

However, it is worth noting that the decision to offer leases for oil and gas drilling in federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico is a longstanding practice that has been in place for decades, and is not specific to any one administration or political party. The BLM regularly conducts lease sales as part of its management of the Outer Continental Shelf, which includes the waters and submerged lands beyond state coastal waters. These lease sales are conducted in accordance with federal law and regulations, and are intended to promote the responsible development of the nation's energy resources. Congress is the deciding factor in allocations of funding within the BLM in regards to this matter.

It's not an either or, we can both be right you know.


t1_jee8pxj wrote

I'm not the guy who was being a dick to you, but could you explain me some more?

Is it possible the president did direct this action and we just don't know? Since it's in his authority?

And, also, why does it seem like the president is flipping back and forth on oil, like, allowing this to happen under his watch when he just interrupted pipelines a bit ago to fight big oil no? Shouldn't Biden veto or cancel or whatever this auction if he's anti oil?


t1_jeeci36 wrote

The President can tell his cabinet to do whatever he wants. The BLM Director is not part of his cabinet, in not so many words they do in fact report to congress.

Regarding your other question about Biden's flippant nature, it's important to note that his stance on oil and gas development has not changed significantly since he took office. During his campaign and since becoming president, he has emphasized the need to transition away from fossil fuels and towards clean energy in order to address climate change and "create a more sustainable future". This has included a focus on promoting renewable energy sources like wind and solar power, as well as investments in electric vehicles and other low-emission technologies.

However, it is also true that the Biden administration has faced some criticism and scrutiny over its approach to oil and gas development. In particular, there has been some concern among industry groups and some politicians that the administration's policies could harm the economy and lead to job losses in regions that depend heavily on oil and gas production.

In response to these concerns, the administration has taken steps to reassure the industry and to emphasize that its policies are focused on promoting a gradual and responsible transition away from fossil fuels, rather than an abrupt or drastic shift. For example, the administration has emphasized the importance of reducing methane emissions from oil and gas operations, which can help to mitigate the environmental impacts of fossil fuel production while also supporting domestic production of natural gas.

But I guess we could just blame it on his age if you'd prefer to approach it without any nuance, it is funnier that way.


t1_jee9kmt wrote

> I’m all for clear communication

Says the guy intentionally taking quotes out of context to fit his political agenda

You’re either a bot or really slow


t1_jeeag9e wrote

I'm a Texas business owner with family ties to oil across the southwest, I'm about as far alligned economically R as it gets. That you honed in on that specific detail as the entire crux for your argument really says a lot.

Do you have any valid points to make against my statements?


t1_jeebc6u wrote

> I'm a Texas business owner with family ties to oil across the southwest, I'm about as far alligned economically R as it gets.

LOL, good joke

Not doing it for a political agenda is even worse, because it implies you’re actually just stupid enough to think what you’re saying is true.

Name checks out, you’re full of shit


t1_jeeciwq wrote

Nah...if there is an economic incentive to be ignorant, then that explains his reasoning pretty well.


t1_jeebzhh wrote

I approached you civilly, I guess this is all I can expect in return. Take care.


t1_jeechhl wrote

> I approached you civilly

Your first reply to me:

> Hit me up when you understand anything kiddo.

Once again, full of shit.


t1_jeecwbf wrote

That's quite a thin skin you've got there sport. I kid lol.

If you can't handle a little cajoling without flying off the handle then I'm sorry for provoking you my dude. I can see how without proper context and actively playing it out as a joke that would be rude and it won't happen again.

That said, have you anything to offer me in the form of factual critique over my statements?


t1_jeede49 wrote

> That said, have you anything to offer me in the form of factual critique over my statements?

This has already been done all over this comment section. If you still don’t understand how your claims are factually incorrect (apparently you don’t) then there’s probably no hope for your last 2 brain cells.


t1_jeeevfl wrote

More insults...

The Director of the BLM reports to Congress. This is undebatable fact.

If that does not land, there's nothing I can do to help clarify things further. I'm sorry we came to an impasse, and I hope your day gets better. Thanks for the conversation, take care.


t1_jeegs5n wrote

> More insults…

That's quite a thin skin you've got there sport. I kid lol.

If you can't handle a little cajoling without flying off the handle then I'm sorry for provoking you my dude. I can see how without proper context and actively playing it out as a joke that would be rude and it won't happen again.


t1_jedw1ti wrote

"TL;DR", indeed. You didn't read it; this is Biden's Interior Department doing this, not Congress.


t1_jedwlzv wrote

Read all the comments before commenting yourself, it will save you a lot of headache and me time.


t1_jedxdtw wrote

I did. You're still wrong. Congress has no power of prior restraint in preventing Interior from issuing resource extraction permits. Your desperate attempt at partisanship is transparent.

If you're unhappy with people pointing this out, correct your comment. That's all it takes.


t1_jee2bjs wrote

You really didn't then. The Director of the BLM is a permanent position that reports directly to Congress. Congress directly overseas their funding and what projects within the BLM's scope are funded. I even listed the reports and FORM NAMES that the BLM has to submit in reports to Congress.

If you're unhappy with people pointing out your lack of reading comprehension, keep your mouth shut. That's all it takes.


t1_jefy2o8 wrote

>The Director of the BLM

... has nothing to do with blue water drilling leases.


t1_jed8gdx wrote

Sorry, but I can’t help but read this in Jennifer Coolidge voice.. white lotus vibes here.. “I thought it was Black Lives Matter! I thought you were like me! Who would guess it’s Bureau of Land fucking Management!”


t1_jecq51e wrote

> US Department of the Interior

> executive branch

This wasn’t congress, numnuts, you’d know that if you read the article

OP is literally quoting the article header, and CNN says the same thing

You’re a doofus, and this comment section is bots

Edit: CNN has even more detail

> The administration was forced to hold the sale after Joe Manchin (D) added it to the Inflation Reduction Act, the major climate and energy bill that President Joe Biden signed last year.

Damn those republicans


t1_jecyfrb wrote

>The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is an agency within the United States Department of the Interior, and as such, it is accountable to Congress through the Secretary of the Interior. The BLM is required to provide regular reports to Congress on its activities, budget, and performance, as well as to respond to requests for information or testimony from congressional committees. Congress also has the power to authorize and appropriate funds for the BLM's operations and programs, and to conduct oversight and investigations of the agency's activities.

Hit me up when you understand anything kiddo.


t1_jed1ebj wrote

Accountable to congress =/= part of congress

You’re a donut


t1_jed6pmb wrote

When did I ever say that?

The BLM is required to provide regular reports to Congress on its activities, budget, and performance, as well as to respond to requests for information or testimony from congressional committees. Congress also has the power to authorize and appropriate funds for the BLM's operations and programs, and to conduct oversight and investigations of the agency's activities.

Educate yourself.


t1_jefnis4 wrote

How about the fact that they’re all corporate shills? It’s all political theatre at this point.

Also per the thread below, oversight != direction, cabinet receives direction from the president, oversight from congress. This is Biden’s team’s doing albeit not a decision that the Republican would disagree with except to score political points.