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jonhasglasses t1_jeerma7 wrote

This is the problem with new tech. We imagine new tech unrestrained by our current model of business and society. So that when we prognosticate what this new tech is we see boundless possibilities. But the truth of the matter is any new tech will be lashed down with the restrictions of our business models and governments. This happened with the internet. It was supposed to change everything about everything. And the whole world was going to be revolutionized and we were going to end disease and stop world hunger all because of the internet. Well all the internet did is made our current capitalist systems stronger faster and more robust. The same thing is going to happen with AI. It might be a multiplier but it’s not going to be the one anyone is talking about.


T0000Tall t1_jees949 wrote

Absolutely this. Anyone who thinks AI will lead to shorter work hours or higher wages is hopelessly naive about how capitalism works. A much more likely scenario is AI will be developed to analyze your every moment at work and punish you instantly for even the slightest dip in productivity.


bmerino119 OP t1_jeeu1bt wrote

I know where you are coming from but a raise in productivity and consumption and in some cases shorter work hours or higher wages doesn't seem like a radical turn for utopia to me it's not like reaching post-scarcity


PrivateLudo t1_jefj0gm wrote

We are producing things faster than ever, food is more abundant than ever yet the price of groceries are increasing exponentially in the last few years. I dont see how producing more things could lead to cheaper things when the last few years has proven otherwise.


the_new_standard t1_jeg2e38 wrote

And how are you going to talk business owners into that? They'll cut the jobs pure and simple. They could care less about reduced hours or even increased productivity.


Futurology-ModTeam t1_jegfzf2 wrote

Hi, bmerino119. Thanks for contributing. However, your submission was removed from /r/Futurology.

> > One solution I have in mind for the AI replacement of jobs causing both massive unemployment and the collapse of consumption relies on the potential for AI to correct the oldest weakness of any endeavor which is human error while also being able to consider every factor relevant in a decision making proccess. What I want to say with this is that the future of labour as a whole would consist of performing your current job with AI assistance correcting your mistakes and reminding you of every relevant factor in the decision making proccess in order to both produce less flawed results and make things in shorter spans of time. This would potentially lead to either shorter work schedules or overall higher productivity and with greater advancements in AI eventually to both and as AI assistance becomes widespread this could also lead to a rise in consumption as well. Also an argument could be made about how learning to interact with the AI assistent means higher wages should be given.

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