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M3629 t1_jdttgzv wrote

Simple, the AI would just be able to manipulate the living being in such a way that the being's body can adapt and survive in the environment while having a shrunken down body. It's completely possible to manipulate the body already with today's technology, an AI could do that beyond any of our means. The AI could manipulate the individual cells, manipulate the individual atoms, in a way where a human, for example, would still maintain its normal "human" physical state while being shrunken down. If we have shrunken someone down today without current knowledge, they would just turn into a pile of mush, but with the AI modifying the individual elements of the physical body, it could adapt to such a transition, and adapt to the environment as you said, allowing the body to be fine and they would still be themselves.


Skreame t1_jdtwt1j wrote

The fact that you can even say what you’re saying speaks to such a level of naivety that reasoning with you is a series of levels far away from anything possible. Have you considered why even condensing material on a molecular level such as coal to diamond changes its properties so dramatically? Have you considered the mere fact that splitting a single atom releases enough energy to create a blast on the scale of an atomic bomb? You’re talking in fantasy where you simply want one thing without considering the infinite implications of the surroundings or why everything exists the way it does in the first place from trillions of years ago all the way until today. It’s extremely ignorant.