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Hades_adhbik t1_jbo5f48 wrote

the key to a fulfilling life with all this advancement will be us hacking our own visceral dials to give us new sensations and motives we have yet to experience or have something drugs attempt to get at, sloppily sort of like what games try to do, hack our impulses but they can only hack what's already there we'll be able to hack our system itself cure all depression and existential dread to give us visceral systems adjusted for longer or even immortal life we won't have deminishing marginal return as we have now some of our instincts we have our there because we are mortal those can be hacked and altered for the purpose of longer life i expect we'll develop and exeperience more advanced perception more advanced and more senses we can edit out or not experience any form of depression existential dread wondering what the point of life is replaced with new feelings and sense of priorities that aren't painful that still propel us to act that are adjusted for immortal life what constitutes meaning and fulfillment in life of an immortal person that has a wiring of knowing it is immortal will be very different from what humans experience our set of internal experiences will be much different our sense of time how we experience the package of time will be different we will likely experience time dialation where time feels like it goes by faster a year feels like a second or perhaps we'll stop experiencing the passage of time and be completely immersed in present existence experiencing all time past present and future at once almost like an animal, animals that live 100's of years don't question being alive