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Statertater t1_jbuhvh4 wrote

Every year is a new unprecedented level, please ban non-degradable plastics.


ethereal3xp OP t1_jbujtyc wrote


Sadly... for many corps its about their bottom line. Processed food(bad for health) in non-degradable plastics(bad for environment).


Dat_Harass t1_jbvjmte wrote

No... the bottom line is having no one left to sell to.

Can't get lower, I am the limbo champion.


kstevo06 t1_jbxbpkb wrote

Bottom line is profits now, they're not concerned about the future.


unclepaprika t1_jby37af wrote

Most of them are geriatric, life support leeching old fucks, who will be dead in 10 years anyways


lazysheepdog716 t1_jbwcuoe wrote

Single use* plastics specifically. Our entire medical system and many other industries would completely implode without plastics.


mjh2901 t1_jbw1pj5 wrote

And they never reference the study's of the actual garbage that figure out the origins. You can all guess the most common origin.