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Congenital0ptimist t1_jegz38h wrote

Because Google is an advertisement and content-gatekeeper revenue company.


This is why, for one example, Google Assistant doesn't ever seem to get any better. There's no revenue in it. Like if your Galaxy Watch 4 decides it hears you over any other device it'll tell you "Routines aren't supported yet". But why not just hand it off to the other speaker in the room that decided it wasn't The One that time for some reason. Or realize you're in your home and it shouldn't respond on the watch at all. Or just run the routine and notify if it breaks. Anything would be better than "Request denied".

Google can't get simple stuff done anywhere ads and/or Play Store revenue isn't directly involved.

It's why you can receive important stuff in Gmail that somehow never makes it to the All Mail folder. Unsurprisingly, you gotta Search for it.

It's why they have time to block buying movies and subscribing to channels on the Amazon Prime Video app. (must use web browser) - to ensure the Play Store content is much more convenient. Meanwhile the Prime Video android app versions loaded from outside the play store even look different now. Thanks Samsung!


Google services are becoming the next Comcast. Watch what the big 3 cloud platforms do over the next year. AI is going to need a lot more cloud.


rangeDSP t1_jeh2lxd wrote

What you mention about Galaxy watch is why people who want stuff to "just work" should not buy 3rd party OEM devices and stick to flagship products by the operating system owners. E.g. use Microsoft Surface products for windows stuff, on Android use Pixel devices.

3rd party OEMs are there to help drive down the cost of devices but the user experience is almost always crappier and more prone to bugs.
