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lilbilmt t1_iqwf1jp wrote

Fingers crossed it can be scaled up as always! I for one do you believe we’ll be able to tech ourselves out of most issues.


VelkaFrey t1_iqx6nb4 wrote

I share that belief. With enough energy, almost anything can be solved.


Ouhzling t1_iqxcpky wrote

Indeed! Shame we've gotten most our energy for solving self-inflicted problems from burning more and/or different stuff.


WHISKEY_DELTA_6 t1_iqysgji wrote

Like getting me out of bed in the morning without wanting to commit sodoku?


VelkaFrey t1_iqywp1t wrote

Yeah solving those puzzles is rough! Seppuku


SippyTurtle t1_iqz85di wrote

No, sudoku is a number based puzzle. You're thinking of Sudowoodo.


DungeonsAndDradis t1_ir071r2 wrote

Sudowoodo is one of those big speakers that goes on the floor. You're thinking of supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.


katekohli t1_iqzsdb2 wrote

My 99 year old dad said that he felt the current zeitgeist was like when he was a young man & people just got up & did amazing things after WWII.


Environmental-Ad7594 t1_iqxfic0 wrote

That's right, most, but not all: And the belief in "tech saves us" will be our downfall in 2050 and the years after.


[deleted] t1_ir0nscc wrote

The belief in “tech saves us” follows the exact same line of belief as saying “believing in tech saves us will be our downfall”. There is functionally no difference between the two, as both act as if it’s guaranteed. The only way for Humans to live through climate change is to keep our options open to tech advancements whilst simultaneously working on lowering our carbon emissions, as acting as if one is wrong and should be preferred over the other is how you get monopolies over the government.


dustofdeath t1_ir0jqad wrote

Perovskite panel has a much smaller lifespan and is quite fragile currently.

That's the main scale-up issue.


MRPolo13 t1_iqzqf9t wrote

We've had the tech to solve energy problems since the 50s. Nuclear power is our best bet and always has been


[deleted] t1_iqzgn7o wrote



HelloAniara t1_ir0ss5c wrote

You'll only find immature redditors here blindly downvoting you. These echo chambers will never be realistic about anything.