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t1_ir1otnm wrote

What's sub par about it? Maybe you don't understand what an MVP is?

If my team is tasked with developing a complex software solution and we manage to develop an MVP with a solid technical foundation in a short amount of time, the client will absolutely be happy with that.

The importing thing is how quickly they can get to something usable from here.


t1_ir1pjba wrote

It’s sub par to it’s competitors (Asimo, Boston Dynamics, other purpose built solutions ), and demonstrates nothing that exceeds them.

If you were making a competitive product to Twitter and all your MVP did was allow you to post content to a single page and create an account. It doesn’t matter if it took you 5 months or 1 day. It does nothing better than it’s competitors and doesn’t demonstrate competency that says to me that you can deliver anything that will be successful.

“In short, I’d bet that any decent university or corporate robotics lab with a similar budget and an active PR team would be able to pull this off.” - quote from the article.


t1_ir1y9l8 wrote

>It’s sub par to it’s competitors (Asimo, Boston Dynamics, other purpose built solutions ), and demonstrates nothing that exceeds them.

You're comparing things that took years and years to make to something that was done in 6-8months. Do you know how time works? Do you realize that Tesla is not done yet? I'm seriously puzzled.

>If you were making a competitive product to Twitter and all your MVP did was allow you to post content to a single page and create an account. It doesn’t matter if it took you 5 months or 1 day. It does nothing better than it’s competitors and doesn’t demonstrate competency that says to me that you can deliver anything that will be successful.

This is so silly I don't even know where to begin. I was going to say "clearly you've never worked to deliver technical milestones for a client". But the same principle applies anywhere.

Let's say you ask two teams to bid for your contract to "make me a twitter clone". Milestone 1 or the POC is "create account + post content to single page". Team 1 takes 5 months to deliver and team 2 takes 1 day to deliver that milestone. Are you seriously telling me you wouldn't know which team to give the contract to? That's a joke right?

It's like if you had a race and runner 1 had a 1 hour head start and they ran 20km. Then runner 2 started running and ran 15km in 30min. Meanwhile, runner 1 is at 25km. What you're saying is "runner 2 is sub par, it took him 1hour 30 min to run 15km! while runner 1 is at 25km!"

So, you fail to see that runner 2 didn't even start running until 1 hour into the race, you also didn't notice runner 1 is starting to slow down. (Asimo is no longer being developed and Boston Dynamics' Atlas still doesn't have any hands.)

On top of that, the race is far from over.

I can't believe someone is arguing that it doesn't matter how long something takes to develop.


t1_ir251cg wrote

Tesla is not as develop as something for 20 years ago, yes you can make good thinks about the design but isn't groundbreaking nor look like something new, yes is important development speed but is important to understand the difrerence in new features and already solved ones the later take months or years but the first takes years or decades becouse they expanded the knowledge, not becouse of the production process was slow.


t1_ir28r4s wrote

Nothing to do with time, but whether it should be developed. Twitter example is relevant. Why would you compete?

This iteration of thd stupid robot isn't the point. It's where it can get from a to z. Z, btw, is very ambitious. Frankly I doubt this will turn into anything like promised, and probably fail. At best if will fetch my beers from the fridge.

This shit is hard. What musk promises and delivers ard worlds apart. I wouldn't gamble my money on his AI pipedream, regardless whether this version is "a commendable start".

This is the same as the underground tunnel in vegas. A shit start to an overhyped promise. When he delivers on promise I'll bd impressed. Until then, it's just hype.


t1_ir4e36y wrote

None of the robots you mentioned were designed to mass produced. That makes huge difference.


t1_ir4ydx9 wrote

What have they shown so far that demonstrates this robot is mass produce able? In fact if you read the article the roboticist point out their choice in actuators contradicts that